HH losing its credibility by compromising Quality. This is my 2nd review after 20 days from I bought CBZXTREME, I am very upset towrite this review after the first one in which I expressed my happiness ofbuying a new CBZ by writing "Again a Good Deal from HH"
In just 20 Days of my experience with bike I found that HH has lost its qualityin making bikes or they might have become overconfident being No. 1 MotorcycleManufacturer and seller in INDIA.
Listing down some point that I have noticed on my CBZ XTREME just after buyingit.
- The biggest problem is with the Rear shockers. Bike makes noise as it would after2 yrs of bad maintenance. I know this point is being raised by so many otherguys and just after posting the Review some HH representative Comments on thePost by comparing the suspension of CBZ with the one installed on HUNK.
(Mr. HH Representative, Tell me in plain words, why HH did not installed thesuspension the one which is of today’s standard. Tell me one brand who isputting these outdated shockers on their premium bikes. Even HH is doing so onHUNK so why not on CBZ. Don’t say that it’s same as GRS on HUNK. I rode both ofthe bikes and CBZ Shockers gets knocked when even a small bump comes on theroad and that too without a pillion rider.)
Can you guys go and check at some HH workshop for the price of both types ofPAIRS of shockers. You will come to know the difference.
Either HH is making fool of the people buying HUNK or they are just cashing thebrand value of CBZ by selling it for some 1500 extra bucks than the price ofHUNK and giving nothing in return. Just a pair of Stickers on the petrol tank (Thattoo of bad quality.)
CBZ sticker on Petrol Tank is not even Sticked properly and seems it can bepeeled off if some M F tries to do so. Also the stickers on the sidepanels have some bubbles from the moment the protective cover was removed by theguy at the showroom. I mentioned this to him and he answered its normal and can’tdo anything.
Front Brakes Noise from the day one. When I mentioned this to the guy whoprepared the bike for me when I bought the bike he responded by saying that thismay be because of Dirt or Moist weather. Guys I had been a rider of around8-10different bikes even Passion and Karizma being some of them. And I never foundsuch a problem in Disc Brakes.
Seating for pillion Rider is not at all comfortable. I tried it several timeswhen my friend was driving the bike and I found it not sufficient for a guyhaving an average PAIR of BUTTS. The seat corners causes the A*S Ache very soon.Even the seat looks like patchy at the start) Near Petrol Tank. It seems thatsomeone can pull it off by taking it from there.
Fitting of Side panels (Where ATFT is mentioned) is very bad as one can seewhat’s inside by peeking into it from the drivers seat.
After adjusting the Handle Bar, the rear view mirrors get very close to theRider and make it difficult to see what’s behind.
Another biggest problem is with the side stand. One cannot operate it easilysince the left Foot Rest comes in between the way when opening or closing theside stand. I got even my left leg injured by operating the Side Stand when thebike was new for me.
This is my personal experience with New CBZ XTREME-ATFT (I don’t know what ATFTdoes for the bike). If you guys want to go for a comfortable Ride and a well builtBody do look for some options very closely so you don’t regret after buyingsome for you.
You guys may contact me at 9818406080 if you want to know my experience with thebike in some other aspects which I have not mentioned above.
Guys, please go through all me conversation in respect tothe replies of Mr. HH’s answers to my Post.