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Member Since:Feb 26, 2007
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HH losing its credibility by compromising Quality
Reviewed Hero Honda CBZ XTreme ATFT
HH losing its credibility by compromising Quality. This is my 2nd review after 20 days from I bought CBZXTREME, I am very upset towrite this review after the Read more...
Choose Better service/ Support, not the low pric
Reviewed Webpix
I had to transfer my domain from a vendor since he was not able to support me as they winded their operations. No one helped me releasing and transfering my dRead more...
Again a Better deal HH. Sorry i Was wrong, its no
Reviewed Hero Honda CBZ Xtreme
This is my 2nd review after 20 days from I bought CBZ XTREME, I am very upset to write this review after the first one in which I expressed my happiness of buRead more...
JrKG Interaction of my Kid with Admission Panel
Reviewed Akshara International School - Wakad - Pune
Akshara International School is not that premium nor Low. Deserves 2 stars below average only due to Infrastructure however it lacked Human Values and compleRead more...
Commented on The_Evil's review
Give a try to Splendor too, if looking for Twister
Hello, I would recommend a HUNK instead of going for a CBZ, you will find it more comfortable than CBZ. As far as Twister is concerned, it seems a good bike too, but belongs to a different Bikes Category I have had some experience on CBZ and found it too rough in terms of riding comfort. I boug Read More...
Commented on own review
I am writing all these comment for helping people knowing CBZ better. I think there is no harm in sharing our personal experiences with the others.
Dear sh1un1k, I may agree with all your comment on my Review, but let me clarify some point more elaborated. First of all, i get the bike serviced at the right time. In-fact i have done just 5000 Kms on my bike so services is due before it reached its recommended mileage. Secondly, the Read More...
Commented on sivavvit's review
Hi sivavvit, If you are looking for moe of Ride Quality, let me tell you that you should go for a RE T.Bird as a first choice and then an Electra as a Second choice. But i am sure that the budget may become a constrain for that. If you can find a good used one in the market (means arround an yea Read More...
Hi sivavvit, If you are looking for moe of Ride Quality, let me tell you that you should go for a RE T.Bird as a first choice and then an Electra as a Second choice. But i am sure that the budget may become a constrain for that. If you can find a good used one in the market (means arround an year o Read More...
Here comes another HH caretaker, Brother, don't post a comment on a review if you don't have your own opinion. You have rated my review as' Not Usefull' because of nothing but to do your job for HH. For which you are getting paid. You have exactly copied all the comment posted by Meena Sures Read More...
I think need not to show the certificate of ownership to you. I have mentioned the problems i am seeing in bike. If you are here just to interfere with my review (a genuine one) then i cant help it. You are for sure doing it for HH because you are getting paid for doing that and calling yourse Read More...
Rated on liton's review
Commented on liton's review
This guy either does not know everything about his bike or he is very confused while writing this review.
Commented on CBZ_victim's review
Am not writing two different reviews intentionally but the space limit provided to write a review made me write another one to express my continual experience which i wanted to share with everyone. And one ID only allow to wrote or edit one review for a product. And this bugger is not responsible Read More...
Am not writing two different reviews intentionally but the space limit provided to write a review made me write another one to express my continual experience which i wanted to share with everyone. And this bugger is not responsible to decide whether my Review is real or not. if any one have a d Read More...
@ jareesh Starting problem is there in most bikes when trying in mornings. But dont worry you may keep your bike idle for about half minute to one minute if you get time to do so. Else you will have to pull the throttle for some couple of Kms. People recommend to use kick starter in mornings, but Read More...
Rated on CBZ_victim's review
Commented on sandeepsingh005's review
Aspenhyt seems to be keep posting his comments on every review and supporting HH by sharing his vast experience with HH bikes, even his friend’s. He is the guy who post his comment just after any review is posted. Now i am sure that most of the people posting their comments on MS are the repres Read More...
And don't worry, i sleep very well every night. Since i express my feedback to thousands of people who can take the right decision after my feedback. It gives me satisfaction.
@ meena_suresh said: Aug 03, 2009 11:36 PM Dear Mr. Hero Honda, No.1 My simple query is that if the CBZ springs are nothing less than the pair installed on HUNK then please accept that HH is making fool of people by calling it the GRS and writing it proudly at the side panels of HUNK. I ha Read More...
Dear Sharad, I know that people are finding the gear shift pedal on CBZ comfortable. It might be comfortable but the fact i am living with is that it F****D my pair of Provogue shoes (worth RS. 2000). It might be comfortable but not at the cost of my shoes. About the shockers its not necessary t Read More...
Commented on mahesh9983's review
meetblrboy: yahoo and go daddy both are the worst ones. even rediff have a very bad support. i had to fight with them for almost 15 days to get my client's domain name transferred to another one since their server was not supporting some scripts and inquiry form codes. They thin that any domain reg Read More...
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