Hello guies,
Thanks for appreciation from all of you on my review of maruti 800.
Here is another review on the CD deluxe. I bought this month.
Spec. about this bike,
Engine :- 100 CC, Kick Start, Clear headlamp,
Things I like about this bike.
1> Maximum average in its class.
2> Hondas already proven rock solid reliabiliy.
3> Least maintenance costs.
4> Good for home-> office -> home riding.
5> Easy to handly by all kind of personalities like short or tall.
6> Very light weight so apprently easy to handle for new riders or slow learners.
7> Adequate pickup for single rider.
Things I dont like about this bike.
1> Headlamp is not powerful. It seems like you are riding with a torch in front when you are on a loanly black road. Upper / Dipper not makes much difference. you slow down the bike and light becomes as good as lalten or a candle ! To keep the bright light u constanty have to drive on lower gear with higher accelerator. This situation is very bad on the routh road at night.
2> Poor tyre grip. Front tyres are absolutely not having any kind of grip as it is having only streight lines !! Plus point of such tyres is one gets maximum average as there is very less friction. But it is not safe in emergancy breaking also may affect riding in rainy days. Rear tyres have good grip pattern and I feel quiet safe with sand on concrete conditions. Thanks to its simple X patterns
3> Speed is a crutial factor when thinking the bike for youngsters! But this bike is strictly not made for speed or acceleration !!! Those who are looking for average + speed dont think about this bike !! Go for unicorn or shine or even DTSi pulser will do. This bike cruses silently at 30km/hr and if you hit a accelerator for emergancy pickup like signal crossing / overtaking makes a bad noise like its not happy with what u are doing with it !! Up to speed of 50 the bike is quiet comfortable with vibration and other comfort factors but if u are touching 60-70 it vibrates a lot and I think it is not safe and good for the engine health. Also as the handle and front suspension structure is designed for simple riding which in other way it is difficult to ride with higher speed on this bike. Also due to this you cant take sharper turns on higher speed, you must have to slow down on 3rd gear for that.
4> Also couple of things seems missing like fuel meter is missing (At that place theres just a icon of hero honda and a neutral / upper indicator ! which looks embrassing and feel like cheated !) Splender and delux ...both have same speedo meter and fuel indicator boxes but fuel indicator is missing in deluxe. Aslo there is very less secutrity for petrol. I mean theft security ..just remove one small pipe and fuel starts coming out of it !!!!...it is so simple that it can be tought to any child.
5> Suspension is not soft (As compared to Splender). Unicorn is awsome bike but if only frot fork suspension is compared unicorn is softer than this bike even the splender / passion is softer than this. Gives lots of jerks on tiny speedbreakers
But any way you cant expect everything at once in the tiny cost of 40, 000. Also they have kept all things very simple for maintenance. Manual is quiet good and easy to read Hindi / English options with diagrams. It helps a lot who like to maintain their vechiles themselves (like me !).
Till now thas it !