I liked this bike really, I bought this bike in May and Ienjoyed a lot every moment.
I feel ltl proud when people stare at me in traffic signals bcoz of this bike, however I looks good too.
Actually I was looking for 150 -200 cc bikes. I was interested in karizma butbecause of its high fuel consumption and high cost I was dragged away from karizma(Although still it is great looking and performance bike).
Actually I was interested in CBZ extreem too bcoz of old CBZ.I went to showroom for trail and really I was impressed with its engine smoothness and power, but I didnt liked its head lamp design .so I was rethinking about other options, but the same day I saw Hunk and in my first sight I impressed withits style and looking and I was assuming it may be high end version of theKarizma so I didnt asked any information about Hunk assuming it may cost morethan my budget, these all happened around in Feb of 08.
I saw Hunk on road and it was really damn good. So I was searching on netabout Hunk and I read positive reviews about the same.
Finally the fine day came and I went to show room for trail, believe me reallyI impressed with its feel and power and engine smoothness. I can assure you it iscertainly better bike if we compare with Bajaj Pulsar or Apache.
Apache somewhat similar to Hunk in engine sound and smooth ness but I was littlebit worried about TVS engine and I used to drive my friend bike and I was nothappy with its control and comfort.
Pulsar I never liked because of its low performance engine and falseadvertisement about its mileage.
Most of the Bajaj bikes won’t give the actual mileage what they advertised.
So after test drive I decided to go ahead with hunk and I purchased it with in one week without any second thought.
First thing while riding we observe about its seating comfortness and its really smooth engine.
After purchasing it I was really eager to drive, on the first day itself I drove itfor around 30 kmp and really I pleased with its road grip and smoothbreaking action and well constructed steering.
We no need to bend while driving; it is really horrible in pulsar and Apache.
Next thing I tried to test is mileage and it was exactly 40Kmpl, but currently I amgetting around 48-49 kmpl after second service and I always maintain speedin between 60-70 Kmh so I am very much happy about its mileage too, but I heardwith few guys they are getting only 40 kmpl even after second service. Stillaccording to me 40 kmpl is good mileage if you consider 150cc bikes.
I really dont have any thing to tell t bad about this bike, but I oftenfelt its head lamp is not so powerfull, but actually it wont be brighter ifwe compare with other bikes but it is so wider and it covers most of the road, but still we may feel bad and it is not good enough for a high quality bike like this.
Just try ur self I am sure u reallylove this bike after testing this bike personally.
UPDATE: I drove it for 1 year, still my bike looks as new .and till now I dont have any complaints about this bike .this bike is solid .born to ride .i love the control and reliability from hereo honda .simply awesome .