Since I decided NOT to waste money on autos, I went for a bike. My checklist for a bike is only fuel efficiency and reliability.
I dont want how much max speed it can give!!! From reliability point of view, people say HH is far away from remaining all. The resale value for HH brands is also top class. (Just for info, a HH CD100 Delux was sold out at 25K after 5-6 years of running at the same time, Samurai was priced at 10K!!!!)
HH is really reliabile. So initially I planned to go with splendour+. But before I made a final decision the SuperSplendour was just released.
Then I was in a lot of confusion. The HH experts say SS gives more mileage than Splendour+ where as the showroom guys tell the otherway. Expert, DilipBam, wrote in one of the local news papers (Telugu-Eenadu) about SS and gave very good comments.
Increased CC but smaller tyres means greater mileage. Even he admitted that it may give the topmost mileage compared to all 125CCs int he market and even compared to all 100CCs released by HH. He wants to put all the details at also after himself making a test drive in a couple of weeks.
Actually no doubt that Discover defeats SS in all features look, bhp, price, and what ever under the sun...except mileage (of which I dont know as of now!!)
Since I wanted a bike of lesser height and weight I chose SS compared to discover, I didnt had time even to do a test drive. I slightly felt it might be having more height. Anyway, since HH is reliable I went for it.
The experience with it is good, and I dont have much to comment about it becoz I didnt experience many bikes...this is my first bike so far.
The look is not that great. So far I am able to get 60+ kmpl mileage in city conditions. I will let u know more about mileage once I experience more. I so far drove only 200Kms.
I got it for 48800 (on road) in hyderbad. And from Arpil 1st onwards, its price was hiked by 700/-.
I suggest anybody who wants to buy it to test it thoroughly. Becoz one of my friends who purchased a SS with me suffered like anything with it. The bike automatically stopped while in motion and suddenly gets started and goes fast. I thought of some petrol flow problem. The mechanic explained it has some manufacturing defect. Anyway now it is fine. It gave mileage upto 68kmpl.
The bike is NOT for u if u are looking for:look, higher top speed, greater height.
It is for those who prefer : brand name, reliability, mileage(not so sure as of now!!!)
Please ping me if u have any questions.