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Member Since:Jun 17, 2004
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Education: Mtech
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It is a SUPER at least for me
Reviewed Hero Honda Super Splendor
SinceI decided NOT to waste money on autos,I went for a bike. My checklist for a bike is only fuel efficiency and reliability. I dont want how much max speedRead more...
I face problems with this...
Reviewed Nokia 2600
It may be good to purchase Nokia 2600. ButIm surprise tosee some basic features missing in this one. 1)You cant get the date displayed on the maiRead more...
Product may be good
Reviewed Thomson 5-in-1
I recently purchased Thomoson 5-in-1 VMP250 at Thomoson Clearance sail in T. Nagar Chennai. This is almost 2 months back. So farI didnt get any problems with Read more...
Reviewed Kaya Skin Clinic - Koramangala - Bangalore
Hello, SCAM IS RUNNING IN KAYA KORMANGALA CHANDRAKALLA AND HENIA are the part of it. Its my worst experience I had in Kaya Kormangala. While selling Read more...
Rated on gautamsatpathy's review
Commented on tejas_22885's review
i agree with chakrabrir. mileage should not be that worst.
Rated on keegan's review
Commented on manjunathhs's review
U mentioned that u have seen specifications of allt he bikes and found SS is better. Can u just compare insimple terms what and how u found it better than the others?
Rated on bidhu's review
Commented on palankeswar's review
Mileage will be in first few days..so probably rajiv gave this mileage only in the review..i am also using SS...getting constant 70kmpl..if the same engine is used without moficiation in glamour, tehre is every reason to xpect similar mileage except if weight is added...
Commented on rajeevranjanlall's review
since glamour has the same quantum core engine as SS has, can i assume taht ur comemnts apply to herohonda super splendour also? (regd. mileage, pickup, ...)
Rated on meet_cse00's review
Rated on sniperngp's review
Rated on kgvdoss's review
Commented on own review
Santhosh, Mileage depends to max onthe riding habits of the persons. Go through the following link in detail 'How to get MORE MILEAGE from your bike' http://indiabike.com/infobank/your_bike.htm
Rated on chakrabirsingh's review
probably if things wont change after 1st service, i feel u should consult the xperts.. in first 1-2 days i got a mileage of 50kmpl only.. so wait for the first service.. if it is over, then consult with some xpert in the showroom
i get minimum 65kmpl and max of 70kmpl sometime after servicing in the first few days, i got even 90kmpl...amazing..but i didnt get that much later
Commented on psp_acct's review
i too face gear problem but NOT like what psp explained. My gear wont go easily to neutral. I have press it very very very hard. The show room fellow tells the same story 'gets freed after servicing'. But no way. I did almost 1500km with it. The same problem persists. Pickup- no problem for me. Mil Read More...
Rated on iamsujaij's review
Rated on neo_pirate's review
Rated on Cticize's review
Rated on sundar_va's review
Commented on swazeil's review
thanks for a big and detailed review. I agree with u regd. the mileage aspect. The mileage has touched the 80 mark for my SS. On the avg, it is giving 70+...But the junk show room fellows still tel that splendour+ gives better mileage. To every body!!, dont believe them..
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