For the last 4.5 years, my preferred mode of transport around the big bad
roads of Pune was a meek and humble TVS Scooty.Also, my college is situated on Sinhagad road, which is one of the worst roads ever created on earth.
Hence my commute to college consists of lots of rattling and very little
speed, along with absolutely no ability to overtake anything with an engine.
Tired of being bullied around by stupid rickshawallas and rash bus drivers,
I decided to move up a bit in the vehicular hierarchy (wherein the Scooty
is only a wee bit above the bicycle).
Though not a particular Hero Honda fan, the advertisements shown over the
past few days seemed enticing, I walked yesterday afternoon into the HH
showroom on Paud Road, United Agency.I had never been there, and I am
surprised at the crowd there. There was very little space even to stand,
such is the demand for the HH badge. Anyway, I was greeted by a smiling
salesgirl, who refused to divulge the price (tactfully), until I was seated,
and she had my contact details.
The bike on display was black in colour, with orange graphics. The first
thing that struck me about the bike was it fuel tank. It is the same as on
Splendor/Dawn. Only with different graphics.At the back, the tailight is
all new, and so is the front fairing. Which is not at all attractive like
the Passion. The engine is horizantally mounted, like its 97 cc brethren.
The instrument cluster is all new, and has big, easy to read dials. Overall,
I think Hero Honda was too busy building the new engine until the last day,
when they realized they forgot to design a bike to mount the engine. So
they hastily picked a Splendor, slapped some new graphics on it, a cut here
and a snip there, but the bike still looked like a Splendor. SO they decided
to call it Super Splendor.
Which brings me to the engine.It uses Quantum Core technology, said the
salesgirl, which reduces the fuel consumption and increases the friction (??!!!).No wonder it produces just 9 bhp, I thought, while nodding sagely. When I asked about the all important mileage thing, I was told it would do 60 kmpl in Pune city, a figure they had calculated by actually riding it , she said. Which is slightly off the Discovers 62-65kmpl.
Then it was (finally!!) time for a test ride.A guy picked one of the 8-9
Super Splendors ready to be delivered that day and wheeled it out. I swung
a leg over and immediately realised that the seat was squishier than
anything I had been on before. The handlebar, like the Splendor is spindly to hold unlike the meatier ones from Bajaj. I kicked the lever (which is soft too) and was about to kick again, that I realised that a very faint thump was emanating from the engine. It was as if it was someone elses Splendor behind you, instead of your own, from under you. The engine note is incredibly refined, unlike anything I had ever experienced. I engaged first, and off we were. The power delivery is extremely smooth too...Which brings me to another point. As there is very little of it in the first place (for a 125) there isnt much to deliver too. And it shows. Anybody who tries to
drag race other 125cc machines is going to be sorely disappointed. It does
not even feel much faster than the Splendor! I suspect the numbers are
surely going to be less than that of the Discover. The gearshift is typical
HH, slick and ultrasmooth. Made of butter. For a short while, I hit 70kmph
in fourth, and the bike was actually struggling to make anymore. It was
also felt as if it will give up soon.Stability? No problems for darting
between signals, but quite the opposite on the high speed highways (again,
this is in comparison with other 125 cc bikes).
The ride is exceptionally good. The best I should say. I deliberately moved along potholes for some distance, and I believe this is has the best set of dampers around.
Overall, the bike should be satisfactory for 75% of bike buyer. For the
other 25%, who wish that every one of their rides should be smile inducing, look for something else.
For those people who are thinking of buying a Splendor, spend a few bucks
more and get a Super Splendor. Those who are thinking of getting a Super
Splendor, get a Discover.
Verdict : The new Super Splendor is good, but it wont thrill a soul.
The Super Splendor costs Rs. 50, 985 OTR Pune for the Disc and ES version.