This is sajid khans first movie as a director. and since he has all thru the years severely criticized hindi movies and how they are blatant copies and how the actors excel in hamming, one expected that there would be some quality in the movie..
However, I personally was thoroughly disappointed. barring 2/3 funny moments in the movie, it is a very dull and boring movie.. in fact, one person in the row ahead actually dozed off and was snoring quite loudly... u can understand the quality of the movie from the fact that no one from the audience even made any noise to wake the person up, so content were they to listen to the snoring rather than the dialogues..
The movie is not actually a rip off from the english movie although it vaguely borrows the situation from the movie.. the title song which is played right in the beginning is the best song of the movie.. although the song could have done without the camera going almost under the skirts of each and every actress dancing in the song.. it bordered on the point of vulgar at times when one could see the colour of a few ladies knickers.. after it is supposed to be a family movie..
The actors were good in patches.. they tended to ham quite a lot.. a few dialogues in the beginning are funny.. so also is fardeen when he is parimal.. the plot line is so simple that u r kind of bored stiff and just waiting for 3 hours to end.. the songs are dull.. the much hyped shahrukh guest appearance in the song is hardly worth anything.. he just is there for abt a minute at the end of the song.. but the movie ends with a big thank u srk!! god knows whats that all about..
There isnt much of australia to be seen either.. the movie started off with promise but then got lost along the way.. unfortunately, sajid khan fell into the same trap of standard formula fare and hamming of which he used to be so critical earlier..
i hope he does much better in his next movies..