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Member Since:Jun 12, 2007
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Education: masters
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3hrs worth of good entertainment
Reviewed Race
After Naqab I was not really expecting too much from this movie but man did it surprise me.. its got lots of style, glam, oomph, sex appeal and thrills... itsRead more...
Refreshingly different from run of the mill movie
Reviewed Mithya
What a nice change to go for a hindi movie which makes u think but allows u to enjoy at the same time.. it is the story of a struggling bollywood actor who isRead more...
Great Value for Money - Certified Used Cars
Reviewed Automart India
I am sure most of the people must have heard of automart india. they are specialists in buying and selling used cars. recently they have entered into a tie upRead more...
Sensitive and Moving Story
Reviewed Taare Zameen Par
This is one of the most sensitive and emotionally charged movies I have seen in ages. It is not one of those tear jerker saas bahu kind of movies. but it is oRead more...
This movie is simply not worth it..
Reviewed Heyy Babyy
This is sajid khans first movie as a director. and since he has all thru the years severely criticized hindi movies and how they are blatant copies and Read more...
Worth watching once
Reviewed Jhoom Barabar Jhoom
I am a self confessed bachchan fan. so irrespective of critic reviews I still go and watch each of their movies be it father or son. I must say that the movieRead more...
Talwalkars Gym - Warden Road
Reviewed Talwalkars Gym - Andheri - Mumbai
I have seen the various reviews written by the other members and I am indeed fortunate that the talwalkars gym at warden road is actually a good experience. IRead more...
Big Bazaar Phoenix Mills - dont go on weekends
Reviewed Big Bazaar - Mumbai
This store is like an overgrown sahakari bhandar. I wish they would organise their stuff in a better manner. there is a lot of range and variety but it lacks Read more...
One of the good low cost airlines
Reviewed Go Air
Firstly this is a low cost airline. so one should not expect the same things one expects from jet airways, etc. so u have to be careful while booking tickets Read more...
They are doing a good job
Reviewed ICICI Bank
I am an icici bank credit card holder. I had accumulated a large chunk of reward points. so I thought why not redeem them. I went online and filled their formRead more...
Not a great economic newspaper any more
Reviewed The Economic Times
Alright alright before eco times lovers sharpen their knives for me first hear me out. I know that it is the most widely read business newspaper in india. it Read more...
If u dont see it u wont miss much
Reviewed Shrek 3
I wouldnt call it a must see.. if u dont manage to see it then u really dont miss much. this is again one of those sequels which will manage to rake in the buRead more...
Worst spidey sequel ever
Reviewed Spiderman 3
This movie has made money only for the fact that it is a spider man movie and nothing else. this sequel is a whole load of garbage. a true spidey fan would beRead more...
Value for Money after renovation
Reviewed Regal Cinema - Colaba - Mumbai
The new cushioned seats are great. the ticket prices are a bargain. balcony for Rs. 100 and dress circle for Rs. 150. the food is reasonably priced. it has anRead more...
Falls short of expectations
Reviewed BIG Cinemas: Metro - Marine Lines - Mumbai
When metro adlabs reopened with so much fan fare I was extremely happy. and I took my wife along to be amongst the first to experience the new metro. I was weRead more...
Inox Mumbai
Reviewed Inox Leisure Multiplex - Mumbai
I loved it when it opened. it has great ambience. excellent leg room between the seats especially good for tall ppl like me. good and sufficient space in the Read more...
Reasonably priced
Reviewed Sterling Cineplex - Fort - Mumbai
Thank god Sterling is back!! I was really missing it since I have been going to sterling for movies since my school days. It was sterling cinema which startedRead more...
Nothing great about it
Reviewed Nokia 9300
Its great to look at, feels good to own one, but it does not live up to the billing of being one of the best smart phones / pda phones. it has great features.Read more...
Concern Regarding My Experience at Sankara Nethra
Reviewed Sankara Nethralaya - Nungambakkam - Chennai
Dear Sir/Madam, I hope this message finds you well. I am writing to share my deeply concerning experience at Sankara Nethralaya, Nungambakkam, Chennai, whichRead more...
Rated on sudhir1207's review
Rated on kk.neelamraju's review
Rated on rajeevgola's review
Rated on sastradhar's review
Rated on archik's review
Rated on blackspawner's review
Rated on saurabhsri04's review
Rated on xkcd's review
Commented on xkcd's review
my dear friend what i write in my review is my own opinion.. if u dont like it then thats ur problem not mine.. its obvious that ur definition of good acting strongly differs with mine.. if u liked the movie then good for u and im very happy for u..
Commented on own review
thanks shalini.. will keep ur advice in mind for my next review.. cheers satyan
Rated on colrajeev's review
Rated on Ivninder's review
Rated on engipravin's review
Rated on angel25's review
Commented on angel25's review
i would suggest that you should desist from using this forum for airing your personal views. its for allowing consumers to make their own judgment based upon ppl reviews. your so called review or article abt the 5 worst reviews doesnt really cut ice with the readers here. u should be doing this on y Read More...
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Pranchal Thakur (@pranchaldigital005MouthShut Verified Member)
Shiva Shanker (@Reddy1647MouthShut Verified Member)
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Arlis Mai (@arlismai730MouthShut Verified Member)
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Sachin Saini (@ss1840073MouthShut Verified Member)
ADITYA MOHNISH (@adityamohnishMouthShut Verified Member)
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P.K. Malhotra (@pkm1MouthShut Verified Member)
Reviews: 108
Akhil Gupta (@nobrokerMouthShut Verified Member)
Asha Poona (@ashajaspercolinMouthShut Verified Member)
Seeni Sikkandhar (@stsikkandharMouthShut Verified Member)
AtoZ Kid's (@kidsatoz40MouthShut Verified Member)