Charming man. I wish I had a daughter so I could forbid her to marry one... Arthur Dent
If you find this sentence funny go get yourself a copy of the HHGTG. It is a must read for you.
I was never into science fiction (still am not) but this book is an exception. When a friend recommended it to me (in fact just thrust his copy into my hands and asked me to read) I was skeptical. But once I started I just couldn?t stop. And even now I just need to read some quotes from the book and I am rolling in laughter all over again.
The book starts with the earth being demolished to accommodate a galactial freeway and the only people who manage to escape are Arthur Dent (an alien residing on earth for the past few years) and his friend Ford Prefect (who is an average John Doe from earth). That?s not all you have Zaphod Bebblebox who has two head. He had two arms but got an extra one attached as he wanted to improve his ski boxing. And then you have Marvin a paranoid and chronically depressed robot. If you are wondering what Marvin is like this one sentence should describe him well; in his own words: ?Wearily on I go, pain and misery my only companions. And vast intelligence, of course. And infinite sorrow. I despise you all.?
The book (it is in fact a collection of five books but is called a Trilogy!!!) describes the adventures of these characters as they cruise around the galaxy.
It is a must read for anyone who has a sense of humor, I bet you will want to read it more than once.