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Hong Kong
Member Since:Apr 21, 2004
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Education: Post Graduate
Review of the Day (1)
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A book you can't put down
Reviewed Gone for Good - Harlan Coben
For the past few daysI have read quite a few thrillers, but was getting tired of the normal serial killers, FBI agents, psycholigical profilers that are a Read more...
To each his own
Reviewed Namesake, The - Jhumpa Lahiri
Once in a while one comes across books that linger on in the mind. Namesake was one such book for me. The beauty of the book lies in its simplicity. Though maRead more...
Women from the Sex and the city for you
Reviewed Sex and the City
I know that just reading the name of the series may make the eyebrows go up. But Sex and the City is one of the best TV series I have seen up till now. I woulRead more...
What we have isn't enough
Reviewed Hrishikesh Mukherjee
Rarely do we find Indian directors who can make movies on diverse subjects. Most of the directors their fixed genre and rarely do they try to move away from iRead more...
Must See in HK
Reviewed Hong Kong - General
If you are in hong kong you can literally shop till you drop. The beauty of this place is that you can buy things for 2 $ and for 2000. What I am going to attRead more...
In safe hands
Reviewed Asian Heart Hospital - Bandra East - Mumbai
I sincerely hope that not a lot of people need to make use of this review, but if you or a near one is in need for a hospital handling cardiac problems, AsianRead more...
Ben Affleck get another Agent
Reviewed Paycheck
Ben Affleck seems to have got it all wrong this year. Personally I like Affleck though he isn’t a great actor but even then I could not appreciate this Read more...
Revenge is a dish best served in blood
Reviewed Kill Bill
This is a movie full of blood This is a movie full of unbelievable fights This a movie where one should not take their brains along But most importantly thRead more...
Not even the question of foreign origin
Reviewed Lok Sabha
If for a minute I were to forget Sonias foreign origin (just for a minute) how can I still neglect her total incompetence in politics? Vajpayee with allRead more...
Beware... Stay away please
Reviewed In the Cut
When I saw that there was a psychological thriller starring Meg Ryan, I was more than happy to check it out. I decided to dedicate my Sunday evening to it andRead more...
Very Disturbing
Reviewed 21 Grams
I saw this movie last night andI could not sleep well after it. It is one of teh most disturbing movies I have seen and yesI still have to see Passion of ChriRead more...
Emily Dickinson: A must read for all poetry lover
Reviewed Bolts of Melody : New Poems of Emily Dickinson - Emily Dickinson
My hair is bold like the chestnut burr; and my eyes, like the sherry in the glass that the guest leaves. This is how Emily Dickinson describes herself. Emily Read more...
Reviewing Hitler instead of Mein Kampf
Reviewed Mein Kampf - Adolf Hitler
After reading all the reviews on Mein Kampf and specially My ideas on Mein Kampf By antineutrino I could not help but write a review mRead more...
The wonderful world of Kazaa has an addition
Reviewed KaZaa
I used to be a big time fan of Napster and was heart broken when it shut down. I have never paused to look into the moral obligations of downloading free musiRead more...
Sa Re Ga Ma Disappoints BIG TIME
Reviewed Sa Re Ga Ma
I am an ardent fan of this program and always felt that its standard was really high. I watched the second semi final (male) for teh global hunt and wasRead more...
Perils of shopping at firstandsecond
Reviewed Firstandsecond
The reason why I am writing this review is because I am extremely mad at www.firstandsecond.com for messing with my order; and it isn?t the firt time they havRead more...
Don't Panic!!!!!!
Reviewed Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, The - Douglas Adams
Charming man. I wish I had a daughter so I could forbid her to marry one... Arthur Dent If you find this sentence funny go get yourself a copy of the HHGTG. Read more...
Fall in love with Aticus, Scout and Jem
Reviewed To Kill A Mockingbird - Harper Lee
I read all the time and according to me a good book is one that cannot be put down once I start reading it. Everyday the worst part of my day is when I HAVE tRead more...
Dont let the cat out of the Bag
Reviewed Indiafm
I used to read the reviews at indiafm.com regularly untill one time when I was reading the review of a mystery (I forget the name) and to my horror the suspenRead more...
The Captain’s Shield Passes On
Reviewed Captain America: Brave New World
When I sat down to watch Captain America: Brave New World, I wasn’t sure what to expect. As the fourth installment in the Captain America series and the 35th Read more...
Commented on shreenevs's review
I thought this site was meant for original reviews. You have picked teh whole thing from Indiafm and copied pasted it. Check out this link if u dont believe me. http://www.indiafm.com/reviews/05/blackmail/index.shtml
Commented on ghaznavi's review
I seriously object to the very first statemnet that you have passed. I agree that the points you have mentioned in that one line are problems faced by India but that is NOT what defines India, represents India. You speak like a 'Firang' who has no clue what India is about. I suggest you visit one of Read More...
Commented on jai_coer's review
This is a lovely film which talks not only about silly romance but about believing in people and sticking by them come what may. Great Review Another great scene i would like to mention is when Renee goes on and on about Jerry (to her sister) and he is actually listening. It always makes me laugh, Read More...
Commented on chutiyalodu's review
Do you take some perverted pride in coming up with a name like this?
Commented on silos's review
I wonder why we are looking for women of substances everywhere we look, why do women need to be either super competent or just slaves? cant they just be a normal human being? Sex and City is a fun serial that talks about, relationships, socila lives of four women, and even then they have shown 4 wo Read More...
Rated on spookaay's review
Commented on ankhande's review
pardon my ignorance but though you seem to be strongly recommneding this place it would have been much more helpful if you could give some more details about where it is, I can only assume KTM means Kathmandu.
Rated on ankhande's review
Rated on mock's review
Rated on annuviswanath's review
Commented on annuviswanath's review
Why was this review (it cant even be called one) written? It wasnt a review about anything, and if Madhuri and her husband want to make a joke about conception of their baby thats their problem, of coursae with papers like TOI they will do it more often than required. For once i am not sorry for the Read More...
Rated on snaz's review
Commented on merareview's review
how is it healthy watching a serial where one person (Gautam) is married 3 times, where most women are potrayed as either too good to be true or the most evil things on earth. Can you imagine kids talking at school: 'u know what so and so is actually not her son, he is an illegal child' or 'gautam Read More...
Rated on merareview's review
Commented on simv's review
I wont ssay great review as there wasnt much of reviewing there, but ur comments were great and the ads themselves were out of this world. Thanx for putting them up here
Rated on simv's review
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Riyaz Alam (@mdriyazalamMouthShut Verified Member)
Riyaz Ansari (@riyazmo602MouthShut Verified Member)
Nag D (@seshunagaMouthShut Verified Member)
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ankit sharma (@ankitjaspercolinMouthShut Verified Member)
Nisheeth Tak (@nisheethtakMouthShut Verified Member)
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