It is without a doubt the best e-commerce site In India especially for books. I had ordered a book earlier through Amazon. After getting the order and receiving payment, they backed out. Then, i again placed order on Infibeam. They also backed out. Both Amazon and Infibeam are rotten to the core.
Then, I tried with Homeshop18.They delivered the item within 3 days of the order delivering far beyond my expectations. They are an extraordinary company. Highly customer focused and sincere.
I was amazed to see some bad reviews of this company. I feel that this could be due to a misunderstanding. With my experience, I can safely say that east or west, Homeshop18 is the best.
People like Amazon and Infibeam are ruthless and not bothered about the customer. This company is different. It is like a breath of fresh air.