Home shop 18 is the one of the worst online shopping site I have faced the difficulty not once but twice first I ordered a Quatum gamepad which they took 7 days to deliver me then after I recieved the product on hand the packaging was so horrible that even a 2 year kid can do a better packaging then I opend the package and saw 100 plastic pieces it looks like some giant has crused that then I called back to delivery boy to return the product but he refused to take it back then I tried contacting homeshop18 they said ok you send the packge to us we will refund then I have to spend it from my pocket to send the product back after two week a tried contacting them they said yes we have recieved the product we will intiate your refund in a week then 4 week passed no sign of refund then I recontact them they said that the check was lost in the transit they are sending they new after 2 week finally I recieved my check and guess what they send me a check of that bank which hardly exist in india "yes bank" to reedem the check I have to travell 70km and then I reched there they say that check is expired wow and that is my horrible expirence with homeshop18 .