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Member Since:Feb 27, 2016
180 MS Points
I Love no 9 , Animals , Soccer , Music , Jackie Chan ,JB ,Bruno Mars , YouTube ,Friends , Jabong :P
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Reviewed ICICI Bank Visa Credit Card
Basis my recent experience of ICICI Banks Credit Card service I was quiet surprised and shocked that how easily ICICI proved to be the worst customer exRead more...
Best Company in the world
Reviewed Google
Google is on of the best company in the world its like currently without google you can not imagine this world google is like the backbone of this world, googRead more...
Poor Service
Reviewed Homeshop18
Home shop 18 is the one of the worst online shopping site I have faced the difficulty not once but twice first I ordered a Quatum gamepad which they took 7 daRead more...
Best Website to buy Cloths
Reviewed Jabong
I am shopping from the jabong for the past 3 years and I never ever faced in type of difficulty in placing order or returning order . My first order was nike Read more...
Great Stock android experience
Reviewed LG Nexus 5X
First of all I want to tell you that I brought this phone on November 2015 and after 3-4 months of use I sharing my review with it Lets start with the Pros oRead more...
Concern Regarding My Experience at Sankara Nethra
Reviewed Sankara Nethralaya - Nungambakkam - Chennai
Dear Sir/Madam, I hope this message finds you well. I am writing to share my deeply concerning experience at Sankara Nethralaya, Nungambakkam, Chennai, whichRead more...
Commented on ripandas03220's review
yeah i agree great movie on of the finest
Commented on pkbasra007's review
cool nice review there hope its good as you mentioned here
Rated on ripandas03220's review
Rated on pkbasra007's review
Commented on rahulkanwat007's review
thanks for the review :) :) :)
Rated on rahulkanwat007's review
Rated on destroyedbicky's review
Rated on vish00kr's review
Rated on SagarKagathara988's review
Rated on meroshan17's review
Rated on sidducss's review
Rated on sharfazcool's review
Rated on ralphracer23's review
Rated on deltaguards's review
Commented on vish00kr's review
good but not the best still prefer chrome over uc
Rated on mehtayash72's review
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