Finally I decided to go for dazzler (black). 3000km done and im fully satisfied. I think that it is very good combination of sports+commuter. My experience is as follows.
(1) The brakes are perfect. No risk for skidding bcoz dazzler has 220mm rear disk compared to 240 front one (i.e. 20mm reduced dia). Also, it has enough wider tire (rear). I have excellent EXPERIENCE and I’m enjoying smooth braking (even in rainy days).
(+) Disc brakes are always better compared to drum brakes. Apart from being more effective in braking, Disc brakes are also maintenance free (you dont have to adjust for slack and free play).
(2) No vibs till 55 km/hr. I feel it little on 70-75km speed (i.e. my max. speed).
(3) Gear shifting is smooth but fifth gear is little harder sometimes; and engine sounds very decent.
(4) Pickup is excellent. [in the video review which I saw of Bloomberg/UTV, they calculated acceleration of dazzler (0-60 km/hr.) that is 5.19 sec & pickup of YAMAHA FZ-S a was 5.59 sec(0-60)].
(5)Blue digi console with analogue tachometer looks really good.
(6) I got mileage of 55 km/liter in city.
(7) Chain & wet or dirty rear disc brake sounds little while riding.
(8) little heating trouble in the morning, engine needs about 1 min. warm- up.
(9) Yes, (no) kick start was matter for me but dazzler is not first bike to get electric start only. There are many models in the market with self-start only. Eg: Pulsar 180 DTS-i, Pulsar 220 DTS-i, Hero Honda Karizma ZMR, Yamaha R15, Yamaha FZ16(-S), Kawasaki Ninja 250R, Honda CBF Stunner PGM-Fi and now the Honda Dazzler (surely more will come in next years) and If self srart FAILS then any one can start bike (i tried it once) easily by pulling it in second gear (7km speed in my case). On this speed, relies clutch and accelerator together AT ONCE quickly). The bike starts in first attempt.
(10) My dazzler has fallen once in the parking and I thought at once…front cowl and side light gone…but nothing happened and just few small scratches on front cowl (which are now hidden by coating in service center) i.e. bike is well desinged.
(11) Dazzler has appropriate 138 kg weight for better handling in traffic compared to heavy 146 kg unicorn (and others).
I was planning to bought either dazzler or fz-s. I decided not to go for FZ-S because of (1) low fuel economy (around 40).(2) Dazzler comes with rear disk break & viscous paper filter (i.e. low maintenance cost) & MF battery. (3) I dont like FZs rear tiny seat. (4) pay R.s.2k extra (for Fz-S) than dazzler (in vadodara). (5 ) As in a review, it is little difficult to read the digi. techo.(of FZ) in sunlight (is it really true?). So Dazzler became better choice for me.
I had ride this bike once on 55 km/hr (before first service) and I feel noticable vibs. but now it becomes very low after first service. After second service, vibs becomes much lower than before but not nill (only 1500kms are done so still new) . No diffrence in other matters. Many people does not like the style.... no clip on handlebar...but half chain parking led kick lever...only 4 ah battry...will discharge 18 inch tires on same unicorn frame...over priced unreliable baby unicorn..!!! BUT belive me people are starring at dazzler on road & in my collage and since pulsar and Fz are common (in my collage) no one even notice them (my observation). Battery has one year warrenty (no problem till 2 years). Dealer said that no problems till youre servicing the bike regularly. This bike rocks PRACTICALLY.
This is my own opinion based on experience & what I saw in other reviews. The only style and looks, for which the liking differs from person to person but for me it really looks like dazzling unicorn.
(1) 5th gear is hard to shift (compared to other gears). 4-5 times it happened that, on going in 5th gear, engine comes in neutral type situation suddenly (applied clutch quickly).
After second service, gears are re-tuned and shifting is now good (5th gear)
(2) Today, I press self-start button..tikk....sounds somewhere near engine and bike doesnt start! (I tried many times to start...vest of time...and finally I pooled bike with help of my compound slope...approx. 7km speed... and easily started. However, self start works afterwords) but need to find reason.
My bike had fallen 2 times in the parking...dont know whether this reason lies in above matter.