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Member Since:Aug 31, 2010
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4th service done (5000km review)
Reviewed Honda CB Unicorn Dazzler
Finally I decided to go for dazzler (black). 3000km done and im fully satisfied. I think that it is very good combination of sports+commuter. My experieRead more...
JrKG Interaction of my Kid with Admission Panel
Reviewed Akshara International School - Wakad - Pune
Akshara International School is not that premium nor Low. Deserves 2 stars below average only due to Infrastructure however it lacked Human Values and compleRead more...
Rated on ali7747's review
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Rated on gauravbhagra's review
Commented on smeher's review
Thanks, .... No I didn't (with choak on), now self start works correctly (don't know what was matter at that time).
Commented on kryptonas's review
Hi, Kryptonas I found some issues with my dazzler... (1) 5th gear is hard to shift (compared to other gears). 4-5 times it happened that, on going in 5th gear, engine comes in neutral type situation suddenly (applied clutch quickly). Looks like improper 5th gear tuning or something like that. Read More...
Hi, Smeher I found some issues with my dazzler... (1) 5th gear is hard to shift (compared to other gears). 4-5 times it happened that, on going in 5th gear, engine comes in neutral type situation suddenly (applied clutch quickly). Looks like improper 5th gear tuning or something like that. Read More...
Commented on helloitsvishnu's review
Hi helloitsvishnu, you are right about unicorn's out dated styling and about the other bikes. I bought Honda CB Unicorn Dazzler finally coz hunk doesn't have these features (digi. console, rear disk brake, MF battery, paper type air filter etc) at that time... otherwise i could think between them Read More...
Rated on helloitsvishnu's review
Commented on own review
I didn't calculate mileage after first service and my second service is due in next month. In your choice, dazzler has most appropriate features like tube less tires (MRF zapper c rear wider tire with disc brake), viscous paper filter (low maintenence cost), MF battery (no toping), mono suspension Read More...
Fortunately I got delivery of my bike (two bikes were already available on showroom) on second day (16 august) ready with both leg and sari guard. In my case, vibs are now about 60% lower than before (after 1000km riding).
Rated on smeher's review
@ kryptonas, thanks. //*many times i have updated and i was waiting for opinion (since it is my first review)*//
Commented on sumesh123in's review
HI, I tried once...puling the bike in 2nd gear...starts easily in first attempt. Reqired speed in my case was 7km, on this speed, relies clutch and accelerator Together AT ONCE quickly.
@sumesh, My dazzler has fallen once in the parking and I thought at once…front cowl and side light gone…but nothing happened and just few small scratches on front cowl (which are now hidden by coating in service center) so quality of material is not matter here (for me). Light material reduces t Read More...
@kryptonas, Dazzler is my first 150cc bike so I took extra care regarding my riding style (since it was begining) and i got 61km/L. But now…i don’t think that I’m able to achieve it (more than 58) again in future. (!)
To kryptonas, First time (in city) i got mileage of 61 [exact 1L, calculated reserve (80km odo-meter) to reserve (141km odo)] and second time 56 (i don't remember figures). Good mileage compared to my 97.2 cc, 8 year old splender's 70km/L.
@ kryptonas, Refer lubrication and cleaning (for chain) on page 61 in owner’s manual (just for your info.).
Rated on s.padte's review
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