Just got a Honda Shine 3 days back , after having cancelled an Activa booking. Ridden only 150 kms so far, but first impressions are as follows:
hard suspension : I have to set the suspension to the softest suspension at the next service.
smooth but buzzy engine: Engine sounds a bit buzzy over 40 km itself, but it is very smooth and extremely silent. I ve not exceeded 50km/hr to safeguard the engine but I miss the 5th gear.
Very strong pick up and excellent load carrying capacity- it pulls like a locomotive even with a pilion of 75 kgs. Better than Pulsar.
pulling very strong even going uphill.
very high seat! This will not be suitable for anyone less than 5ft 7 inches. My feet do not reach properly even with my 5 ft 8 inch height!. Hence the bike tends to fall into slow corners and has to be caught before edging over.
That being said, the seating is comfortable and very wide- if a bit hard- suitable for long rides.
This engine will last forever provided it is not revved beyond 70km/hr.
Tyres very thin at 2.75 inches give insecure feeling for those used to 100/90 or 3plus inch tyres - avoid leaning over too much. Feels like a bicycle!
Conclusion: This bike was made for the average Indian middle class middle aged Indian who needs to carry a pillion and get good mileage and good pick up and an indestructible engine for use on bad or non existent roads. Phew! You could gift it to your grandson in good condition after using it for 15 years. Honda knows this bike will rule the roads. Eventually.
P.S. After adjusting the suspension to the softest setting it is very comfortable now. Those who travel over 50 kms a day or over two hours may do the following to avoid micro trauma causing spondulosis on Indias moon cratered roads. (1) ride on the SOFTEST suspension settings possible (2)ride with slightly LOWER tyre pressure of around 28-30 psi in the back wheel. This will greatly ease the pressure on the spine and the neck. (3) Always set the handle to the HIGHEST possible setting. A low handle compresses the neck/shoulder and causes pain.(3)Use the LIGHTEST helmet available in the shop, not the best looking! (4)Standing with the legs down astride the bike at signals thereby extending the back bone greatly helps ease tailbone fatigue. Sitting more than 15 minutes causes mild disc compression (5) Cross speed breakers/potholes/rumble strips VERY SLOWLY or you will regret it later. (6) Even applying front disc brakes suddenly causes severe neck strain. Use it gently. I know from experience. A damaged neck and spine will cause body pain, carpal tunnel problems, migraine headache and even eye fuzziness in your forties. However, irrespective of these fears do not give up biking. It is the last adventure left to man.