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tamil nadu
Member Since:Oct 01, 2004
0 MS Points
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Education: graduate
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Scooty teenz-new kid on the block
Reviewed TVS Scooty - ES
I saw and tested the new tvs scooty teenz last week. As usual very small, very sleek and unusually for a two stroke scooty very good looking as well. The scooRead more...
A sucker is born every minute
Reviewed Sony Ericsson Z300i
Remember the above words - I wonder whether it was Peter Drucker or some other sucker who said it. It rings true for everyone who has bought a sony ericsson zRead more...
A Palio on the highway is better than rubies
Reviewed Palio - Petrol
Excuse the mis quote from Lawrence of Arabia. I got a 2002 palio petrol second hand for 2 lakhs in 2003 end. A new one cost 4.1 lakhs then. Mine was run only Read more...
Tough cookie
Reviewed Honda Shine
Just got a Honda Shine 3 days back , after having cancelled an Activa booking. Ridden only 150 kms so far, but first impressions are as follows: hard suspensRead more...
Are you a torque guy?
Reviewed Suzuki Heat
May I caution readers first that I have not tested this bike. I observations are based on extensive reading about this bike on the net and in publications. AsRead more...
Good styling, decent product
Reviewed Hero Honda Pleasure
I tested the hero honda pleasure twice at the showroom and would buy one (if I had the money!). Good scooter. The styling is reminiscient of the Vespa 60 scooRead more...
Reviewed Kaya Skin Clinic - Koramangala - Bangalore
Hello, SCAM IS RUNNING IN KAYA KORMANGALA CHANDRAKALLA AND HENIA are the part of it. Its my worst experience I had in Kaya Kormangala. While selling Read more...
Rated on ashasani's review
Rated on Ranga_J's review
Rated on Nitaj's review
Rated on khushiks's review
Rated on vinarora's review
Rated on mouli77's review
Rated on guptabhi2k's review
Rated on vijayan_venkat's review
Rated on adityas2000's review
Commented on adityas2000's review
you have come down from the bullet to s.s., as I have come down from the pulsar to the shine, some blokes here have come down from bullet to shine too, we all have our dose of realism in due course. India is becoming an ocean of mediocrity, to misquote an ex chief justice! When will we get 250cc twi Read More...
Rated on burlun's review
Rated on madhubkrishnan's review
Commented on own review
Hi alex and all others, thanks for the comments.My remarks are based not only on 150 km of driving shine , they are based on experience from 6 bikes in 20 years for 1,40,000 kms. some readers may not have been concieved then!
hi aditya, your review is practically as smooth as the unicorn! Seems you know your nuts and bolts.Reg. the silence of the bike, I wonder if that is such a good thing. Ive got a new shine which is very silent and Ive to see the speedo to know its speed whereas my old pulsar which I took out after Read More...
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Anas Shaikh (@anass4581MouthShut Verified Member)
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Gaurav Khurana (@gaurav1351MouthShut Verified Member)
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