Hi All,
I really appriciate the review in this web site about the Unicorn. I bought a brand new Unicorn few mounths back. I really enjoy the smoothness of the bike.
One can cruise along the highway over 100 km/hr effortlessly.
The mono-shocks, tuff-up tubes, smooth Electric Start, comfertable seat position, wide handle bar are made this a cool looking bike among the others.
No doubt, Its a good bike on Indian roads with sleek body and especially the sporty look bcoz of mono-shocks. And there is no comment about the performance. Its absolutely outstanding in city roads.
Baut will come to the other side of this. The handling could have been much better if the engine is fitted on the double bar frame. And I felt the loss of power in hilly areas. Once on my way to Ooty, I felt its very difficult to ride on the ghat sections; because of power loss. The power ration between 1st gear and the 2nd gear is very large. Most of the times when the power is very low in 2nd gear, I used to switch to 1st gear, but the power in the 1st gear is much more; and if I switch back to 2nd, again I was loosing power go forward. So one has to switch between 1st and 2nd gears frequently while moving in up hillroads.
Another problem is the tool box. There is no sufficient tools provided with the bike. If the tyre is punctured, no way one can open the wheel..!!!. With some effert we managed to open the rear wheel but its imposible to separate the front wheel. These tools are very much necessary while raiding away from the city.
So guys prepare with some extra tools if you are planing to go for a long trip..away from city limits.