Hi wingriders and future wingriders,
I am an IT professional from Bangalore, whatever I mention below is purely based on my personal experience and observation and my intention is not to hurt anyone.This is my first ever review written after being inspired from many very useful reviews in this site. Example: Reviews from mr_bean_82 etc etc...
As usual every bike buyer do, I have done investigation on many bikes, read hundreds of reviews etc..etc...My plan is to go for a 150CC bike with reasonable power and economy. I Heard that, hunk, cbz extreme, dazzler and unicorn runs on the same old CBZ(1999) engine from HONDA, but caliberated and tuned differently...So, I felt, I need not think more about the engine quality of any of these bikes..so, I have concentrated more on the handling issues..
My height is 510" and moderately built. So, I thought of going for a bike with is enough bulky.
I have driven almost all 150CC bikes with the help of my friends.I had different experiences after riding all the 150CC engines.I have considerably unique experiences when I ride UNICORN, GS150R and FZ-S...FZ-S has killing looks and poweful engine but it is less spacious and also the mileage is fluctuating a lot. So, I felt that it will be difficult to have long drives with pillion rider.If u need only power and nothing else, better go for the beasts CBR, NINJA, P220, Karizma.... but I need the combination of resonable power and economy.
Now I was left with GS150R and Unicorn. Both have good engines which are really smooth and both r responding well to the throttle.But I felt some noticable ease when driving unicorn. May be beacuse of its Mono suspension and built quality. So, I selected unicorn and then I have gone through hundreds of
opinions and reviews and got very good feedback on unicorn.
Then, I have booked a CB Unicorn (Pearl Siena Red) in Haiku Honda, Domlur and they informed me that I have to wait for minimum 45 days later which was extended to 60 days and my wings were
delivered exactly in 60 days (Booked on August 1st and delivered on Oct 1st).
My Experience with my CBUnicorn:
1) Looks of unicorn are neutral. Individual parts of unicorn may have ordinary look, but collectively the entire package have a decent high class commuter look and fits to all categories of people.
2) Engine and gear box are too smooth as every user mentions. I found it very easy to bring the bike to neutral everytime.
3) Very smooth initial pickup without any jerks.Even the pickup in between the gears is good and uniform.
4) The speedometer goes to 50 kmph very easily with minimum effort of the engine. If any one drives unicorn for the first time, I feel he will surely observe this difference.
5) I am unable to believe the ease in taking U turns and sudden left and right turns.
6) Front disc is good and use of both the brakes is mandatory for a better stop.
7) Fuel indicator is too lazy...:-) it takes reasonable time to settle down at its place, but I observed the fuel indicators in some other bikes are too active, even in honda activa, the fuel indicator is very quick.
8) Whether u belive me or not, the necessity of reducing the gear below 4th, when u slow down is very less unless ur speed is below 20 kmph. I am able to drive the vehicle very easily in 5th gear at 25 kmph...So, the need of gear change is very less...
9) Headlight is ok, Horn is just enough loud. But, to let the people know ur esteemed arrival, it might have been fitted with double horn just like pulsar.
10)Electric starter is amazing...Even 3 to 4 yr old unicorns are able to start with a small gentle push of the electric start button.
11)Very decent height is maintained for the bike. The pillion rider also feels the same comfort as the rider.
12)Very cool and decent analog dashboard position which we dont find in any other bike.The speedometer position is very well maintained exactly at the centre of the dashboard, so that the rider can have a clear and easy look into it, where as in many other bikes the speedmeter is positioned to left of the dashboard.
13)Tool kit is positioned well below the seat. Kick rod movement is also very smooth. We feel that, the kick rod goes down automatically, once we rest our leg on it with moderate pressure. I have observed
the same smoothness of kick in the bikes HH glamour and HH super splendor earlier.
14)First mileage, that my unicorn achieved is 170 km for 3 Lts of normal HP petrol. So, it offered me an average of 56.66 kmpl. Remember, this is the mileage before first service and my vehicle travelled just 350 km so far.
15)It surprised me a lot and the precautions I have taken for achieving this mileage were, not exceeding the top speed of 50 kmph and also the heart beat (RPM) not exceeding 4K. These two precautions may look very simple, but they are not as they appear because, we need a lot of patience for this. :-D.
Let me tell u onething buddies. I am not here to argue that Bike X is gud, Bike Y is bad, Bike Z is waste.
But at the end of the day, I believe in "Looks and speed may thrill our ride but quality and reliability fill us with pride."
Proud to be a "WING RIDER".
I will try to update this review periodically as the above review is about my Just 3 week old unicorn and first service yet to be done.
Please do rate my review and leave your valuable comments.