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Member Since:Aug 03, 2011
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Worthfull Commuter
Reviewed Honda Unicorn 150 cc
Hi wingriders and future wingriders, I am an IT professional from Bangalore, whatever I mention below is purely based on my personal experience and observatiRead more...
Reviewed Kaya Skin Clinic - Koramangala - Bangalore
Hello, SCAM IS RUNNING IN KAYA KORMANGALA CHANDRAKALLA AND HENIA are the part of it. Its my worst experience I had in Kaya Kormangala. While selling Read more...
Commented on coolnik_agarwal's review
Great...Please call it as hatch back. Mileage of 16kmpl in city is impossible in this car.With that unnecessary heavy tyres, it cant give more than 11-12 kmpl in city driving conditions.
Commented on sambitjena22's review
itz a bakwaas car. only cosmetic attractions, nothing else...
Rated on gauravasthana1's review
Commented on UncleSAM's review
Pulsars is a good family. I do agree with that, but they are not as reliable as Unicorn. It really sounds funny that, you are not happy with the handling of Unicorn, may be you have not come acorss the pros in unicorn yet !!!!!
Commented on Whistle_blower423's review
Problem 2: For example, when you are travelling at a speed of 60kmph and because of some obstacle, if the speed drops to 40 - 50 kmph, you can not shift the gear comfortably below 4th, because, i feel it is natural that when your bike speed is at the speed of 40-50 kmph, you can not easily bring the Read More...
Problem 1: I faced this issue many times, but resolved with the CHOKE funda. I used to get just one or two jerks and notmore. Anyway, everything will be so good after that just a couple of jerks. Problem 2 & Problem 3 : May be these are specific to fews bikes only. i have never faced these two pro Read More...
Rated on glennjimson's review
Commented on arjunb30's review
@arjunb30: i am using unicorn from 2 years. everyday when i start the bike for first time, i will pull the choke and button start the bike and then close the choke after 10 seconds. Thatz it, from then onwards, i need not worry about anything for that day. Everything is going smooth and good. By fol Read More...
Rated on shibinbelsam6789's review
Commented on vipin_s's review
Dont you have any other honda dealer in your city? where are you from? I agree that, service people may not be that much good. But this issue is with every other 2W companies also, not with honda alone. When ever i give my unicorn to service center at honda in bangalore, it always used to come back Read More...
Rated on vipin_s's review
Rated on jimmartin710's review
Commented on anit713's review
I am staying in Bangalore from 6 years. The only point that i consider in the review is '10 months advance'. Remaining all are your personal experiences. Paying 10 months advance is really painful in bangalore, i do agree for that. Rest of the issues are common in every city. All cities have wider r Read More...
Commented on arpitpuri's review
I feel sorry for those, who had bad experiences in Bangalore. I am staying here from 6 years and i have never come across any kind of bad situation and even i have not learnt atleast 1% of kannada language. I am managing with my mother tounge (telugu) only in bangalore comfortably. People of bad att Read More...
Rated on santoshrdoijode's review
Rated on josejosemc's review
Commented on nihirdas's review
Using choke every day once, when you start the engine for first time in the day is good and is recommended for better performance.
Rated on nihirdas's review
Commented on mvikneswaran's review
I have never come across this kind of bad review on Unicorn. May be, this bike may not be suitable for your driving habits.
Rated on dimpysharma's review
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