Guess why I even bothered to use a POP Account. Im not used to checking my mails online unless forced to. I use a Laptop and most of the time use Outlook Express to check my Hotmail id and use it offline too.
Writing long mails while travelling is my best pass time when theres no interesting co-passenger :-)
Anyway, recently, using Hotmail with OE was getting more pain than ever before and I was on hunt for something that I could use for Bulk Mailing purpose and now that I sport a Broadband Cable Modem connection I could use POP too (which is normally blocked in Most office Network, if not, it should be ;-)
Another reason (which was strong enough) was to use this new cool tool called Incredimail. Ever since watching those nice mail client in movie Mission Impossible, always wanted to have somthing like that on my own machine.
Now that I write 10000 times more e-mails than snail mails, it really needed to get better and make it little interesting. Now to use that account I needed a POP service. I can make Hotmail / Yahoo work with pop using some third party tool, but that was not too cool as having a POP Account.
Anyway, my search for a POP Account gave few options and I opted for HotPOP. I was actually quite impressed with their paid services also. Right now Ive signed up for the Free one, in future if they are still in business (they should) then Im seriously considering them as well Yahoo as a paid service. Yahoos spam blocking is awesome. Its near perfect.
As a closure, I guess Ive spoken more about everything else than HotPOP itself, but I can definitely recommend this one as a must have for anyone who wants to have a POP account for the heck of it.