I have looked at every picture on the list of hp printers in the 4100 series and can not find one that looks exactly like mine so please forgive me if I am placing this in the wrong category.
Mine is an all in one having the printer, copier and scanner. It is small and light weight and gray with white in color.
I purchased this machine about 3 months ago and it has just been sitting on my desk. For the last week I have tried to set it up and could not get the computer to recognize it after many tries of installing and re-installing and have never had this problem before. It says it is compatible with win xp which is what I am using.
It was frustrating as right now I am in the process of writing a book and had no way to print the pages out. I could not take it back because I had it too long before trying to hook it up.
My boyfriend went on his computer to the hp site and sat here for hours trying to get it to work.
All the lights kept flashing and it would not shut off without being unplugged. It said there was no paper in it and there was. It also said there was no cartridges and there were. We were both totally baffled.
You are going to laugh when you find out what the problem was. There was a sticker included that said stick to the top of the printer and there was a space for it. This sticker has on it the copy, paper, etc and lines up with the buttons on the side. Since it said to stick it on top of the printer that is what I did. It did not say to lift up the lid and place the sticker there. It seems there is a bar code it has to read and it was going all the time because it could not scan the code where it originally was so the printer was not recognizing itself.
Okay so now it prints just fine. It is very loud and not very fast even on just black print. There is no option to scan to print. So if you want to print something, you first have to scan it to save on your desktop and then from there have it print. I have never seen this before. This is an extra step and a real pain in the rear not to mention the noise is so loud it drives you crazy.
I am not at all pleased with this item. Also the cartridge after a print has to be reset as it does not go back where it belongs so I am looking to purchase another and keep this as a spare.