This review is not just for this product, but for HP service as well - the service which has some great technical people who knows how to mislead people well(but they apparently dont know who are they dealing with, sometimes.).
Its been almost an year when I bought this product, this was my 3rd laptop ever and I was confident that HP is pretty good company. Three months ago, suddenly, my laptops display disappeared - It didnt look like a biggie and I was sure that HP would take care of it(note that it was not even 1 yr since I purchased it). So, I sent laptop to HP service center through my vendor and explained them my problem. Because I belong to IT industry, I took a laptop on lease for almost Rs. 3000/- a month and also bought a backup HD to transfer stuff from old HD(because these dumb people at HP requires you to send whole thing with your laptop). At this point, I didnt imagined the problem would go so big that it would take them weeks to solve it. Anyways, Laptop went to service station, first time.
After nearly 3 weeks, I got my laptop back - I was happy and satisfied with the support, even though it took longer - but thats okay. I just worked 1 hr that day to discover that my laptop was being crashed after every 15-20 mins or if Ill run any heavy application. I sent it again. please note, this was second time.
Ok, Another 2-3 weeks went by, calling and struggling to just get the status of my laptop. HP sent me my laptop again. wow. But hey, did they fixed the problem I reported? Yes, maybe. I dont know, because the problem which I had for very first timedisplay not appearing was once again there - this shocked me about their service center. The company which creates laptops day and night, and even when we sleep, can not fix a single laptop. Ok thats fine. **I sent it again. 3rd time. patience is virtue!
Today happened to be the day, dont know what to say lucky / unlucky. I got my laptop back from service center - I was sure this time, I was so sure that I started making a backup plan to shift data from backup lappy to my own. And once again I found out? Guess what? Theres a new PROBLEM! Batteries wont charge up and battery light will keep blinking. wow. I give up.! I regret why I bought that piece of s laptop. and now what? Im gonna sent it to them fourth time. or should I just dump it and destroy this piece of s for my pleasure. because thats the best thing you can have with this.
So finally, I would never ever buy or recommend any HP product to anyone.
I dont understand. if these HP people cant fix it - why dont they give me a new one. But anyway, I wouldnt accept their products anyway - because that too will end up wasting my time the same way like its been doing from last few months.
Please suggest people, put yourself in my shoes and suggest me honestly, do I reserve a right to sue them? Should I go ahead and file a lawsuit against them.?
Looking for your feedback.
- Abhimanyu Grover