May be the features might be nice but the services are VERY VERY poor.
I had to transfer money from my citibank account to this B2 account. I have to submit to ICICI a cancelled cheque and a mandate form so that I can ’’pull’’ money from Citibank and put it B2 bank account. They were supposed to do it in some 5 days. Its been almost 15-20 days and noone has come so far to collect it. I mean, if they cant guarantee this basic service then how will I transfer money from any other account. I have written to them so many times but its of no use.
Secondly, I can only talk to the phone banking office 3 times a month for free. The calls after that will be paid but they have provided a good feature of chatting with the bank representative online. But he is NEVER available. I always wait for about 15-20 minutes without any response. And then I close the chat connection.All they can do is ensure minimum bare services!!