I had to open my salary a/c with ICICI bank coz I was given no choices. A group of 100 new joinees including me filled up the application form to open the account. Within 2days everyone expect me got a SMS saying that their account was activated. I got wary and contacted their Mysore branch office within my company campus the very next day and I came to know that there was an error in the date and hence rejected. I corrected the errors, duly signed the same and asked the representative to thoroughly check the form as I was posted in Bangalore and had to leave in 2 days. She did the same and assured me that all was fine and in 2 more days my account would be activated. I left for Blore and checked daily at their blore branch within the campus whether my account was activated, to my dismay it wasnt after a weeks time also. The Blore brach told me that they wouldnt be able to help me and that I had to get in touch with the Mysore branch rep..
(Is this anywhere banking??) who wasnt picking up my calls. The customer care numbers on the website are phonebanking nos and I couldnt talk to a customer service rep and the blore branch was courteous enuf to give the actual customer care no. By this time it was already 20 days and I came to know that my form was rejected 4 times and remenber it had been thoroughly checked earlier!! They refused to tell me the reason why it had been rejected. Everytime the form was sent back by the H.O to Mysore who sent the same form back with I being unaware all the while on whats happening.
They further told me that my monthly salary of Rs. 60000 would get credited, dont worry, but you cant withdraw it untill a/c is activated. This enraged me and escalated the matter to the Blore branch manager who was really helpful and helped me get my a/c activated. By now it was 40 days since I submitted the form.
At the end of it all, the rep at Mysore calls me up and shouts at me for escalating the matter saying that she was in trouble coz of me!!!
Fate of Captive customers...all fr a service with a bank with whom I am forced to transact!!