The more service any company gives, the more it is revered by negative feedback. Be it bank, mobile service provider, software, vehicle or anything. People do write review when they are Ill-fated by service.
Well, this is very much positive side review on ICICI bank.
Ive used the services of this bank for more than 2 years, and services are simply astounding!
Online Banking: It is beyond repute! Works flawlessly. You can transfer money between your own ICICI accounts, to other ICICI accounts or to any other bank in India(provided the target branch is NEFT).
Speed is extremely good for online transactions, other banks sucks - they delay unnecessarily(HDFC, HSBC). User interface for working on the side is also easy, consistent, uncluttered.
All type of accounts(savings, CC, loan, demat etc) can be linked with one user-id with ease.
Can charge mobile pre-paid from within the site.
Offline banking: The moment you deposit cash to bank, the moment you get an SMS that money is credited even before you exit the bank! Yes, some branches queue up your cash to be transferred - which takes no more than 4 hours(if deposited before 6pm).
Mobile Banking: As mentioned, SMSing is simply superb for any transaction. I get instant SMS for any debit or credit transaction. Also, the SMS is received by you on day time. Unlike HDFC, which sleeps at least 8-10 hours after transaction, and sends SMS then - even at 3am! Ive never received any SMS off time(11pm to 7am). It is always on "good" time.
Ive also used ICICI banking on R-World(Reliance), and it works flawlessly most of the time! I even transferred money from within my cell.
*Other features:
- Address change request **on phone! Yes, if you are 6+ months old customer, you can change address on phone!
Cheque book request, they promise for 7 working days. You get within 3 working days.
Cheques are cleared very fast than any other bank.
For online payment(coming from other site, where you selected ICICI as payment gateway), it works smoothly - never down. You complete the transaction, and request is sent back to target site almost instantly.
Online banking remains online 24x7. They mention downtime in atleast one week advance(on infinity itself). And downtime is between 1 am to 5 am.(Not like HDFC which can go down any time, without notification!).
You can get money at home by phone request. Can get DD you requested at home. Can get cheque money at home etc.
Yes, you can pay your bills without hassle if youre registered - Registration for required Billing is one time and takes no time.
Security is simply outstanding. Bank has Login password, and then Transaction password followed by Debit card verification.
Bank staff, is very helpful. Also they have installed token system for counters. You select type of transaction, site down calmly, just watch your number on screen and go to assigned counter when you see your number.
Please note that in "XY123", 123 is your sequence number which is always incremental. That is you may get AB125, and serviced first. Since AB is request type, XY is another request type. XY123 and AB123 can never be a sequence number!
Some people get baffled for not being serviced even if their number(numeric part) is lesser than currently serviced part - well, then please understand the scheme!
- Loan on phone: Well, yes they alleviate this service literally. Provided youve had reasonable good usage record at the bank. Depending on that bank gives you loan of particular amount.
- Customer service: Call center remains open 24 hours, and you get connected in 1 minute on an average(mostly less than 30 seconds). They understand the issue and resolve it.
Make note that, many banks does not have 24x7 service - their staff also may not be that helpful.
All in all, I highly recommend this bank. It is undoubtedly the best Indian bank(not countin Internationals - they may facilitate more features).
I do most of the transaction from this bank. My salary account is NOT in this bank, but I transfer more than 50% of money for "ease" of transactions!
- *Do read. Do rate. Do comment.