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Member Since:Nov 15, 2003
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A Software Professional earning money in Mumbai. Other than MouthShut.com I share excellent participation at CodeGuru.com. Internet surfing, Salsa!, Movies, Walking, Talking, Listening Songs,
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Education: MCA
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Let's Re-unite Friends!!
Reviewed Rock On
Im not gonna formulate the casts, directors, producers, story, character names, singers of the movie or whatsoever... This flick is astounding, amazingRead more...
Broadband in India? Yes!
Reviewed Airtel Broadband
I had used Internet connections for three providers, viz. Reliance(wireless), Tata Indicom BB and now Airtel. The reason of ISP shifts is just that I relocateRead more...
The Bank beyond repute!! :)
Reviewed ICICI Bank
The more service any company gives, the more it is revered by negative feedback. Be it bank, mobile service provider, software, vehicle or anything. People doRead more...
Fantabulous, but some Flaws...
Reviewed Fun Cinemas - Andheri - Mumbai
There is absolutely no cynicism about the quality attribute of the Multiplex. But, I would first list out the flaws that hit my brain-box, recently, and provoRead more...
Disgusting Stuff!
Reviewed Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End
The movies does not have good amount of action scenes, 70-80% of movie is justDiscussions and base-less dialogues(for the movie). Sitting on the Read more...
Vista: Computing Revamped!!
Reviewed Windows Vista
This review is based on 3+ months of usage experience on Windows Vista Ultimate. So, there would be umpteen number of features(or drawbacks/bugs if you preferRead more...
Disconnected 15-hr a day!
Reviewed Tata Indicom ADSL Broadband
Mumbai: Dont get cheated by that ads showing 2mbps speeds. I was very well aware about the so-called good and excellent Tata Indicom mobile network, whRead more...
Good Hollywoodic attempt!
Reviewed Krrish
I guess I should not post out the story-line of the movie, as it is just released. Story is quite good, well managed and come to satisfaction at the end. KrrRead more...
Most Elegant Messenger
Reviewed MSN Messenger
So, you got your fiance(e) to whom youll get married soon or later, but are far apart or do not meet regularly. Dont waste money and your ears on Read more...
Yahoo! rules the virtual friendship!
Reviewed Yahoo Messenger
Over the years, so many messengers have come up (review refers to India as a regional domain), but all fail. Be it software giants MSN Messenger with loRead more...
East or West VC++ is best
Reviewed Microsoft Visual C++
Ive been using Microsoft Visual C++ 6.0 (from now onwards VC++ for the whole term unless version mentioned) for the last 7 years! Though there are manyRead more...
You should upgrade SW along with HW
Reviewed Microsoft Windows 98
Okay. So, you got a new computer which is so called super-computer (for you) - P4. This P4 system is bundled with 256 MB, 40GB, CD R/W, superb speakers, excelRead more...
Fame Rocks !!
Reviewed Fame Adlabs - Andheri - Mumbai
I am a movie buff and I see almost all new movies. The cinema hall for my choice comes from Fame only. (To let you know Fame Adlabs isRead more...
Really idiotic services
Reviewed HDFC Bank
I know it cannot be possible, but, HDFC Bank should keep itself out from Private Banking and put itself on the stack of Public Banks. Ive an account (sRead more...
The sexiest Operating System
Reviewed Windows XP
I am a IT professional. I’ve used almost all Windows Operating system: Windows 3.1/3.11, Windows NT 4.0, Windows 98, Windows 2000, Windows ME, Windows 2Read more...
The perfect combination
Reviewed Nokia 6255 CDMA
Arguments aside. No doubt Reliance is the best network in India in terms of coverage, network reliability, data provider, roaming and all. Likewise comments Read more...
Astounding Performance!
Reviewed Honda Unicorn 150 cc
I wanted to buy a bike definitely other than the common buzzword - Pulsar. This is my nature to get different from others. But yes I did not preteRead more...
The Captain’s Shield Passes On
Reviewed Captain America: Brave New World
When I sat down to watch Captain America: Brave New World, I wasn’t sure what to expect. As the fourth installment in the Captain America series and the 35th Read more...
Rated on devineark's review
Commented on devineark's review
First thing first! Why did you take so long time to decide to sell the bike if you found it so pathetic? Probably you are not owner of Unicorn, but just lover of absurd disgusting pathetic piece of sht named: Pulsar. Man! I've been riding this anti-vibrant machine for more than 4 years now, and Read More...
Rated on premkumar.d1's review
Commented on premkumar.d1's review
50 months I've been riding this lovely powerful machine, and not encountered the mentioned problem. Is it genuine review, or you are Pulsar fan?
Commented on kanchankjha's review
Racing? Not a single 150cc (or 160cc) can beat Unicorn. Yes, pickup on first two gears is not that as of Pulsar. But it races ahead ALL bikes in less than 10 seconds / 500 meters!
Rated on kanchankjha's review
Commented on debamishra's review
Ride the bike for 2000 kms at least. Dont drag it to 80-90, unless you complete 2k. Stick to 60kmph. Otherwise you'd rupture the actual power and smoothness of engine. Be patient!
Rated on avinash77's review
Commented on avinash77's review
Make sure you protect the tank cover, so that water deosn't go inside. I've been to bangalore for few days, and I have seen heavy rains in Bangalore. Thus, you must take care of your bike. Bike can't control everything!
Rated on kkdutta84's review
Commented on gr.rath's review
Running at that high speed before you complete 2000 Kms is not recommended. And Vibration? You must be kidding. I rode my bike 30,000 and still now at the speed of 80-90 it's smooth!
Rated on gr.rath's review
Rated on vinayakjiman701's review
Commented on vinayakjiman701's review
WTF! This is Unicorn review section and you've posted Pulsar appreciation! Move it out!
Commented on bimalenator's review
I presume this is COPIED review from other reviews on Unicorn! Why I say so? Because I've been reading almost all reviews since the count was just 80!
Commented on pradvi's review
I totally agree with your agitations, regarding the services provided by Honda in India for two-wheeler segment. They must improve the 'service' sector.
Rated on pradvi's review
Commented on chetu2u's review
Astounding review! Thanks for not revealing any suspense! nine ten.
Rated on chetu2u's review
Commented on j.vinod's review
I agree with all negatives you gave, but not with skidding. It happens to almost every heavy bike, specially on wet road. Dont apply either of brakes, but BOTH brakes properly! Needs experience. Digital speedometer is of no use, its not readable - you need to keep eye for few seconds! It's no Read More...
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