Once upon a time, There was this cute little guy called me and he happened to have a bank account with ICICI.
Well, I thought I would start off in the story style, but ICICI doesnt inspire so much that I could write a story on it.
In short, ICICI sucks.Bigtime.I wouldnt let my dog wag its tail anywhere near this bank.Its has grown humongous in size & tiny little in Value proposition.
Why am I ranting so much instead of telling you what I went through?What I went through is called hell. Avail yourself this opportunity today.Go visit the bank and see what hell looks like without even dying(You would die if you stay long enough to open an accnt, mind you!)
The moment I opened the account there, They promptly pushed a debit card into my hands.That card did not have my name on it, and I did not realize that.They drove me out of the building robbing me of rs 5000 for a savings accnt min bal.Sad..
I later realize that my name aint on the card, and I ask the customer service, They say I need to pay Rs 200 for the same.Ouch.And is if that wasnt enough, that customer service lass immediately gets into a sales pitch mode trying to sell insurance.It cant better than this.
My debit card still has a great looking number on it.I could go on and on, but I want you to experience the wonderful banking experience this Duck bank has to provide.
I lost my card once and I blocked it. I got it the other day and wanted to unblock it.They make me look like a clown on the phone to the CC saying that I need to have the latest transactions and they dont CARE WHETHER I AM THE ACCNT HOLDER OR NOT. Is that the way you speak to your customers?I bet this bank will go on a long journey to the center of the earth.
They asked me to apply in person.I did. I had to stand in along que and that movie actress att he May I help you counter is busy chatting with her boyfriend (I am not kidding , its true!)..I reached her atlast when my turn came and you what she says?They would need a week to unblock my card.I Wanted to slap her.Burn that place down laike aur hunuman bhagwaan did.Ok..I Asked for a cheque using which I wanted to take all the cash out.She spoke greek.I was wishing she spoke abt egyptians, I could have used them to mummify her.
I dont what you guys think of this bank.I got so bugged, that I used up three months of my pocket money to open a new bank accnt at HDFC.
Its huge.And its yelling out to you, loud and clear, TO KEEP OFF IT.