(Please read ZERO star (pathetically poor) and ZERO at Customer Service, Claims settlement and Staff attitude, I had to force myself to give them ONE on those to submit this review.)
I admitted my wife (who was having a pain and that was later diagnosed to be Urinary Tract Infection) at a hospital in Mohali
and showed my health card to the management officer there.
The first sentence he said was, "Oh! you have got it from ICICI Lombard. They never pay you back! Anyhows we shall try." And on the 6th day when my wife was relieved, he gave me a letter of denial of refund of expenses from the officials. He said, "I already told you.
They are the worst of the companies." He told me that one of the employees in their own hospital was denied claim by ICICI Lombard and that is why he bought a policy from government agencies who reimburse for every genuine case.The doctor told me to take an action against ICICI Lombard so that more
people can be saed from their net.
They are just behind money. I am taking up the case with them and if they do not listen, I shall go to the consumer courts but I request you all not to go for a policy from ICICI Lombard.
I had bought a health insurance policy from ICICI Lombard in May 2006. They promised that except preexisting diseases,
that can be included in the policy in time span of 2 years, every 24+ hours admission in hospital or even small surgeries lasting 2-3 hours with modern machines are included in the policy.
I never needed any claim in the past one and a half year and now suddenly when I needed to
admit my wife in the hospital, they say that this is not included in the policy. They said that clause 3.3 says it all but clause 3.3 does not have any explanation on this.
A five-day stay it was in the hospital and it was not a pre-existing disease. Even then, they are denying to reimburse.
Now it is up to you guys whether you want to face this kind of disappointment by buying a policy from such a company. I shall now shift my policy to some other insurance company if they reimburse
themselves and if I have to go to the courts to fight for justice.
I also called up their official on 24th July at 09880046761 who told me to facsimile the bill for reconsideration. I did that verynext morning and it is nothing less than a month since then and I have not heard
anything from them. I have sent them three reminders in past 15 days and nothing except a
confirmation mail for receipt of my mail has been received. I thought to write this review for benefit of my
fellow-beings so that truth about this firm with NAAM BADE AUR DARSHAN CHHOTTAY should be clear to all.
They may recently have won an award on customer satisfaction but even the most genuine cases have to do a fight for right.
I have asked them to explain where the UTI (Urinary Tract Infection) comes
under the clause. I have confirmed a couple of doctors and they have
assured me that UTI does not come under this clause and companies do
give the cashless access for the cases of UTI. The doctor himself showed me documents on two such cases happened recently where Oriental Insurance had paid the claims for it.
Anyone can personally converse with me at parmindersinghaziz@gmail.com
if one has some doubt.
Thanks and Regards
Parminder Singh