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Member Since:Aug 04, 2007
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Education: MBA, MCA, MA (ENG), GNIIT
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Arrogant, Rude, Greedy doctor
Reviewed Dr. Jagjit Singh Chopra
My wife, Gurpreet Kaur went to a sector-33 clinic of Padma Bhushan Dr. Jagjit Singh Chopra for the neuro check-up of her younger sister Gurjeet Kaur who had cRead more...
Don't use your RBS credit card
Reviewed ABN Amro Credit Card
I am using RBS credit card for quite a few years and I pay my bills much prior to the due date as a practice. I usually drop the cheque at  Phase 3B2 Mohali SRead more...
Vodafone/Hutch - They Eat Your Money
Reviewed Vodafone Mobile Operator
I dont know whether I come across such products or whether in our country, they are all the same. I got five Hutch numbers for me and my family membersRead more...
Do not go for this policy. They are suckers.
Reviewed ICICI Lombard General Insurance
(Please read ZERO star (pathetically poor) and ZERO at Customer Service, Claims settlement and Staff attitude, I had to force myself to give them ONE on thoseRead more...
Concern Regarding My Experience at Sankara Nethra
Reviewed Sankara Nethralaya - Nungambakkam - Chennai
Dear Sir/Madam, I hope this message finds you well. I am writing to share my deeply concerning experience at Sankara Nethralaya, Nungambakkam, Chennai, whichRead more...
Commented on ck8266's review
The reviewer must be a die-hard fan of one of the actors, or (s)he wants to take revenge from all people by making them feel the pain that he must have gone through this so-called comic caper. :)
Rated on kunalthapar's review
Commented on kunalthapar's review
Shameless fellows must prepare for a fake review of themselves. The only thing I use of LG brand is my Optimus One mobile and it is one of the best phones available. :)
Commented on Bestreview's review
I am doubtful of the number of units told by you upon a 8-10 hour usage of a 1.5 ton AC. Still good review.
Rated on Bestreview's review
Commented on moloy1's review
I was approached by two guys from Aegon Religare yesterday. They assured and showed me on paper the benefits of their insurance and that their allocation charges are (5% for year 1, 2 or 3% for year 2 to 4, nil thereafter). I dont know if it is the best option to invest.
Rated on iamsujaij's review
Rated on bhautikjoshi's review
Commented on own review
finally i managed to get the claims after long fight
Commented on gitesh_a's review
They are suckers.... ICICI in every aspect doing that.... Whether it is their banking or their health services or now I come to know Home loans as well.... Sorry brother for you... but definitely will take care for myself and will tell of them to others as well.
DATE: 6-Oct-07 FROM: PARMINDER SINGH TO: ilescalations@icicilombard.com RE:’ICICILom=002-082-736’ FW: Negative post on mouthshut Dear Mr. D'souza I received a phone call from TTK healthcare from a number 022-23026200 on 05 October 2007 1615 HRS and they told me t Read More...
Followed nidhi_2005 , sadi1970
DATE: 4-Oct-07 FROM: PARMINDER SINGH TO: ilescalations@icicilombard.com RE:'ICICILom=002-082-736' FW: Negative post on mouthshut Dear Sir It has been about 2.5 months since I have been conversing with you on the claim issue. I do not know why you want me to send you the details again and ag Read More...
DATE: 26-Sep-07 FROM: ilescalations@icicilombard.com TO: PARMINDER SINGH RE:'ICICILom=002-082-736' FW: Negative post on mouthshut Dear Sir, We acknowledge receipt of your e-mail below. As intimated by TTK Healthcare Services Private Limited on 18 September 2007, the following documents Read More...
DATE: 17-Sep-07 FROM: ilescalations@icicilombard.com TO: PARMINDER SINGH RE:'ICICILom=002-082-736' FW: Negative post on mouthshut Dear Sir, We thank you for writing to us. As mentioned in our e-mail below, the claim is being reviewed by our claims team. We will revert to you short Read More...
DATE: 8-Sep-07 FROM: PARMINDER SINGH TO: ilescalations@icicilombard.com RE:'ICICILom=002-082-736' FW: Negative post on mouthshut Dear Sir I had sent the Claim Form with other required documents via Postal Registration Service vide RL No. A-117 on 31st August 2007 at 12:50 PM from Abohar st Read More...
DATE: 25-Aug-07 FROM: PARMINDER SINGH TO: ilescalations@icicilombard.com RE:'ICICILom=002-082-736' FW: Negative post on mouthshut Dear Mr. Anil D'souza Thanks for your mail. I have written to ICICI Lombard as well as to TTK before as well that we had got a check-up done at the Sohana Hospit Read More...
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