I can tell you from firsthand experience that they are the worst ever and heres why:
a) I had invested about 5 lakh with them and the net worth today is 2.5 lakh. I asked them to point atleast one good recommendation of theirs. They are not able to explain. They just told me that the trader who was dealing with my trade has left. What an excuse ?. I had dealt with three of their traders and can assure you that not one of them was good.Not even one trader...I am putting it out in the open --- Does ICICI Direct have the courage to dispute my statement ( this is an open challenge )
b) They compel you to invest and even if you protest they dont listen. They will tell you some goofah to get you to invest and what is worse they will take it on margin and make you pay their interest also-- they are ZERO on ethics. Please contact me if you want proof.
c) Traders have a target to reach and they will invest in anything --- even in crappy stocks so long as they reach their brokerage target ( else how can we explain their bizarre suggestions )
d) Their brokerage is way too high. Zerodha offers at just Rs.20 whereas these banks not only charge more but also give you the worst ever advice and on top force you to take up positions so that they can gain brokerage from large volume deals.( this has been my experience and I assume that is the only reason they force you to trade)
I even asked them the contact details and email id of their CEO. I was not given the details at all. Instead they gave me the number of some chap based locally ( apparently the chap who is chasing them to reach their target )
If you dont believe me try your luck.