I found that interest rate was higher than other nationalized bank and opened an a/c. That was my big mistakes.
1) I booked FD. TO get receipt, I had to call several time to customercare, branch but no response or this-that etc etc. Finally, I got after 1.5 month after visiting branch
2) Even after 1 year, I had to struggle to get email stmt. Called up several times customer care, sent so many email, fillip form at branch but nothing happen. Lazy ad idiot service
3) To open Demat a/c, I filled up forms 1.5 months ago and given cheque. Cheque has been cleared long back but still a/c is not yet opened.
In short, I will not be opening any a/c with nationalized bank bcoz customer need services now a days and rather than providing, they are irritating customer.