I basically use facilities like email on phone. This service gives ur phone an email id. I am BPL subscriber. Hence I got: <number>@bplmobile.com Incoming mails are sent as SMS FREE OF COST.
However in Idea, youll get something like : <number>@ideacellular.net. When you get an email, you will be alerted with an SMS saying that you got an email. TO view that e-mail, you have to SMS back for which they will charge you Rs2/SMS.
Isn’t this a way of looting???
I’ll tell you why this service is very important to me: anyone in world can send me SMS through msn messenger...FREE OF COST. But in Idea, you’ll be bearing 2 rupees per incoming SMS !!!!
GPRS, in Delhi, they charge per KB. This is ridiculous. BPL Mumbai charges flat rate. I pay 99 per monthn. And unlimited WAP access through GPRS on handset. Orange charges in same way. Then why does idea charge per kb??