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Member Since:Aug 10, 2003
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Education: Engineering IT
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Looters - BIG TIME !!!
Reviewed Idea Mobile Operator
I basically use facilities like email on phone. This service gives ur phone an email id. I am BPL subscriber. Hence I got: <number>@bplmobile.com IncomiRead more...
MMS Problems and Worst Customer Care
Reviewed Orange Mobile Operator
I am a BPL Mobile subscriber (Luckily). And have subscribed for MMS and GPRS. Now when my Orange friend tries to send me MMS, I receive it perfectly on my phoRead more...
Bad Experience with R Surf Feature
Reviewed Reliance Mobile Operator
I have a BPL Mobile (Mumbai) GPRS subscription and the speed it gives is many times better than Reliance India Mobile. Even the R-Surf service that I use takRead more...
JrKG Interaction of my Kid with Admission Panel
Reviewed Akshara International School - Wakad - Pune
Akshara International School is not that premium nor Low. Deserves 2 stars below average only due to Infrastructure however it lacked Human Values and compleRead more...
Commented on pankajshirke's review
I basically use facilities like email on phone. This service gives ur phone an email id. I am BPL subscriber. Hence I got: @bplmobile.com Incoming mails are sent as SMS FREE OF COST. However in Idea, you ill be alerted with an SMS saying that you got an email. TO view that e-mail, you have to SMS ba Read More...
Commented on movin_max's review
I agree that phone is good. But also know that there are several models available at same prices with much better features. One example is Sony Ericsson T68i with bluetooth. And I don't think FM should be a reason to buy phone. You get much better FM Receivers for not more than 50 rupees. As far Read More...
Story looks cooked up. Especially those guys coming to your place.
Commented on sullal's review
you forgot to include this points: There are many useful and innovative services started by BPL. Some of them include: 1. FIRST 2.5 G Network of Country. 2. FIRST network in ASIA (not just India) to start GPRS. 3. FIRST to introduce prepaid roaming (MOTS Roamfre) 4. FIRST to introduce Multimedi Read More...
Commented on own review
I did the same thing. Been to Orange shop at Thane. Had to wait for 45 mins (I have never waited more than 20 mins at BPL Mobile gallery) only to hear 'Sir we are aware of this. Our team is working on this.' Haven't been so frustrated ever.
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Shalini Pandey (@filmyshaliniMouthShut Verified Member)
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Akshay Gundecha (@akshaypgundechaMouthShut Verified Member)
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