In todays age companies are touching new heights in customer money theft idea has a new idea I have a net setter I tried to migrate to a new plan then the company said once u have purchased the plan is not going to change and the connection sucks thank u idea.when I have purchased netsetter it gives the download speed of 60kbps I was not knowing that speed is free for two months and now I am getting the speed of 5 to 6 kbps I showed it in office but they said this is the original speed of netsetter.
Now I have a new idea to disconnect the connection sell the modem and I will throw away my mobile sim of idea which fetch 5 to 6 thousand rupees per month to the company. This is my idea sirjee whats yours tata usb modem is also nonsense
If u wanna try then take bsnl usb on rent from company if u dont like give it back.