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Member Since:Feb 16, 2010
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Super japani ac
Reviewed Hitachi AC
Always buy hitachi first if u have to pay little more then also go for it it is worth your money. Always remember the ac which one person can put on his head Read more...
Idea netsetter and tata usb modem both are useles
Reviewed Idea Netsetter
In todays age companies are touching new heights in customer money theft idea has a new idea I have a net setter I tried to migrate to a new plan then tRead more...
JrKG Interaction of my Kid with Admission Panel
Reviewed Akshara International School - Wakad - Pune
Akshara International School is not that premium nor Low. Deserves 2 stars below average only due to Infrastructure however it lacked Human Values and compleRead more...
Rated on sac_del's review
Commented on kapilgarg78's review
u have to go to the office and get the work done man, once product sold money is in then everybody act like a sarkari karamchari
Rated on kapilgarg78's review
Commented on abs07's review
man sify is indias 3 graded broadband and so expencive their cyber cafes are also expensive how u have not faced problem from these company
Rated on abs07's review
man u are one in a million or u are a person who is earning from reliance u have written tata and sify bb is good now with this line one can think that u r a user which uses net for small period of time or u are getting income from reliance in any way
Rated on maulik.pandya's review
Rated on prosid's review
Commented on prosid's review
third class. samsung is no 1 in packing their products marketing big big adds on tv and a bunch of third class servicing person and poor availability of spare parts never trust this 3rd class company on any product like unbranded china phones cool designs cool features samsung is a branded 3rd class Read More...
Commented on siddeshwaykul's review
top loding comes in 15 to 16 k good quality man but this is a whooping amount if u give this much money ur laundry service will last longer than this machine if this is of highest quality how many years it is going to last
Rated on siddeshwaykul's review
Commented on mubaraktvm's review
dude read the ifb and wirlpool also they have more complains than any other
man u didnt mentioned how did seimens burned ur hands please write it would be gr8 did u put ur hands inside when the machine was working
Rated on mubaraktvm's review
Commented on m_anandr's review
hitachi is the best brand i am using its A/c for years no problem i wash it once in 6 months and there is no problemos
Rated on m_anandr's review
Commented on preet-rajjo's review
read every manual before using any electronic item i think lg is watching many bad reputation models has discontinued which has been reviewed problematic on this site
Commented on jkeshwaniapr's review
i think the model no written is wrong it is not on the lg website
Commented on marshallshoaib's review
in utube some videos run fast and some run slow its not the fault of internet connection when u download a song at the time of downloading see the transfer rate like it will show transfer rate of 180kbps/sec. or go to speedtest.net and then check the speed in internet there are two things downloadin Read More...
Commented on onenessboy's review
use hitachi machine u wont face problem till 7 to 8 years if electricity and water is good in your area
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