I have purchased ELENA washing machine from IFB Outlet, Whitefields Bangalore. Invoice number
BLR NO SCH U R/1238/06-07
Date. 12-JUL-2006
I called up customer care and made booking for a demo at my home. I was given booking number 385489. Since then, nobody has visited my house after repeated calls to the customer care. I was given fewnumbers to contact
The customer care people told me that the numbers are of service managers at IFB and they will help me in this case. But after trying for two days, nobody ever picks up calls at the numbers. Everytime I call IFB Customer care, I was told that the technician will visit the same day and the same day passes by just like that. This is nothing but a con job being pulled of by IFB towards its customers. I will have no choice but to go to consumer court for this matter. I request all the people who are suffering like this to come forward. Lets meet up and decide if we can pull these people into the customer court for their service.
Hi Folks, This is the review of the product after sales service. This is the exact of the complaint that launched with IFB.
I would like to register a complaint against the bad service provided by IFB servicemen in Bangalore. I had purchased an IFB Elena Washing Machine from your IFB outlet in Whitefields Bangalore, on 12-JUL-2006. My machine stopped functioning properly around 9th Sep and I lodged a complaint on 10th Sep 2006 No. 478164.
One of the engineers Mr. Girish (9844434420) visited my house and had no idea about the problem. So he just removed the timer from my machine and left. A few days after visited again with a new timer. After he replaced the timer, he told me that the new timer he has brought is defective and he need to get a new one and left. After two-three days, he visited again with a new timer, and told me that the motor is defective , removed the motor and left. After almost four days of following up, he visited my house again with a new motor and told me that now the motor controller circuit board is defective. He removed that part and told me he will be replacing it within a couple of days. This is all happening after following up again and again with him.
In the meantime, I even spoke to Mr Anjan (9343550660, 9844787373). He assured me again and again that the job will be finished the day itself whenever I call him and thats it. No followups and no actions from him. He would not even receive calls from my cell. When I insisted on getting the job done immediately, he turned to using abusive language. I complained to Mr. SatyaKumar (09341490580) who is the Area Service Manager of IFB. He too assured me on Thursday Sep 21, 2006 that the engineer is visiting my place within 15 minutes and the job will be done. The machine is still not been serviced till today Sept 25th, 2006, 15 days after the complain has been launched. As of today, Mr SatyaKumar has also stopped receiving my calls and now I have no option left but to go to consumer court for getting my machine serviced. I do not want the machine anymore. Please send your engineer to my place, and take back the machine, and pay me back all the charges that I have incurred including the cost of the machine.. It has been a harrasing experience from the IFB and after paying so much money, this looks nothing but a conjob from IFB.
I have been harrased to the limits and provided worst service by the servicemen at IFB including the IFB Area Service Manager Mr SatyaKumar (09341490580).
Please take back the machine asap and revert me back all the charges.
Asif Raj