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Member Since:Jul 03, 2006
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Education: Graduate
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Thugs at Airtel Bangalore
Reviewed Airtel Mobile Operator
I requested for a new Airtel postpaid connection via your call center(09845012345) on Monday, June 23rd, 2008. Based on which, a certain Mr. Eshwar(0990039762Read more...
Pleasant so far
Reviewed Airtel Broadband
Unbelievably pleasant experience with the airtel broadband. It really took just two days for the guys to get the application form and all the documents, do thRead more...
Lots of Questions unanswered
Reviewed Tata Play
The real story of almost all the companies in the service industry. Now Tata Sky has upped their monthly rental to Rs 300 i.e. a 50% increase from the previouRead more...
Pathetic Service
Reviewed IFB Elena Aqua VX 6 kg Fully Automatic Front Loading Washing Machine
I have purchased ELENA washing machine from IFB Outlet, Whitefields Bangalore. Invoice number BLR NO SCH U R/1238/06-07 Date. 12-JUL-2006 I called up custoRead more...
JrKG Interaction of my Kid with Admission Panel
Reviewed Akshara International School - Wakad - Pune
Akshara International School is not that premium nor Low. Deserves 2 stars below average only due to Infrastructure however it lacked Human Values and compleRead more...
Rated on nikhilb's review
Rated on rebeccatoms's review
Commented on rebeccatoms's review
Well Well. Isn't this a company sponsored review. Nice coincidence that the author of this review, rebeccatoms, and the first two comments minaz and shenazmin joined on July 10th, and have no other reviews or comments or ratings anywhere on the site. Is it some coincidence or is it just me.
Commented on own review
Yes. I should not have done that. and a tip for all the readers, do not ever trust any sales person with your money. always demand a receipt and acknowledgment.
Commented on nikunj_dhawan's review
Hi, Are you in Bangalore. If yes, then God help you. Post a request on the IFB website. It worked for me.
Rated on Incontrol's review
Commented on Incontrol's review
Absolutely useless review. better if you write about what steps have you taken to resolve the queries of the customer troubled.
Rated on mehraaman2001in's review
Commented on mehraaman2001in's review
1) The police cannot refuse to lodge a complaint. Give them an application in writing and ask them to lodge an FIR. Do not budge from the police station until and unless they look into the matter. Please note. You must give the application in writing and keep a copy with yourself. Give a copy to the Read More...
Commented on legalcriminal's review
You need not worry about the collection agents and all. And don't ever believe what the collection agents say. Take all your documents, and submit an application of your case to the Banking ombudsman for hdfc bank. The bank will provide you the contact details, they cannot deny that. Simply walk int Read More...
Rated on rupalilawande's review
The complaint to the consumer court really really has its effect. The machine was repaired in one day, all the new accessories fitted in, machine is now up and running perfectly, and i have an apology letter from the IFB. Just to sum it up, guys from IFB are okay, but the folks from service center, Read More...
Commented on vivekchawla's review
There is no other way to tackle such people. Do not ever REQUEST them to make corrections or don't ever call the call center or some executive from whichever company. The RBI has declared it unethical and against law. Just hand those guys over to the police who threaten you in whichever manner.
Commented on cheerio's review
Mayank, I suggest you go through the documents you have and find out if it contains the details of any of the promises that they have made. Also, do you have a copy of the application you gave for cancellation of loan before it was disbursed to you. If yes, you can certainly go to the consumer cour Read More...
Hi jagsi, they have competition that does not mean that they will not raise it furthur. Compared to the local cablewallahs, who increase the price by 10-15 maybe 20 bucks, not 100 bucks all of a sudden and that too when you have paid Rs 4000 upfront. No doubt quality of service is good, but it has t Read More...
Sheer Act of Brilliance Mr. hitman. Were you always this bright, or is this the effect of some super natural comet that stuck you when you were a kid.
Commented on Stavros's review
Great One. Thanks for the information. Lets wait for other players as well.
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