I own IFB elena for 2 years more or less satisfied with its washing performance.But a few months ago it developed a snag and drum in it was not revolving.I contacted IFB customer care and they sent the mechanic next day.on inspection he diagnosed the fault of the main timer button and said it is an expensive one costing about Rs 3500 alond with service charge bill will amount to be about Rs 4000 including repair charges.When I told him that by adding a few more rupees I can get a new semi automatic washing machine.Then the mechanic himself told me that you should go in for AMC contract with the company costing abt Rs 1571 + 310.Then he told me after opting for AMC you should call customer care after one month.they will repair it free of charge i.e my bill will get reduced from Rs 4000 to Rs 1881.I did as advised by the mechanic.After one month I called the customer service again and this time a new mechanic came.He inspected the machine and after careful examination found its magnetic value, costing about Rs 700, not working, while the timer button, which was earlier dianosed as non functional was working fine.After replacing the magnetic valve machine worked fine.Immediately after machine starting moving, service man put two packets of descaling salt in to the tray, saying it is necessary to descale the machine with this salt.Machine worked fine and service man handed me a bill of Rs 270 for two packets of descaling salt saying the salt is not covered in the AMC.So over all I had to spell out Rs 2150 for a simple fault while my bill should have been just Rs1000 (700 for valve and 300service charge).My view is first service man delibrately told about an expensive part being out of order.So my advise is donot rely on IFB personal alone.So in case of fault, Get your machine checked by some other technical man before being looted by IFB personals.