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Member Since:Sep 25, 2006
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Little slow but OK
Reviewed Snapdeal
I decided to purchase a Philips 22" full HDTV TV. I searched lot of websites, after a while zeroed on to Snapdeal for cheap and the best offer. I checked mouRead more...
Pathetic Service
Reviewed BSNL Penta T-Pad IS703C
I Purchased BSNL 703C , five months ago. Initially it worked well and I recommended this tab to my friends.But, now last month its on/off and volume buttons bRead more...
Work Like a Charm
Reviewed Yebhi
I shop from various online portals.Best among-st  the shopping portal is yebhi.Shipping is lightening  fast.Even orders placed on sunday get shipped in the evRead more...
Reviewed Yebhi.com
Beaware of Homeshop18,Big cheats,Defective Produc
Reviewed Homeshop18
II booked a karbonn A15 mobile on homeshop18.com on 9th dec.2012 vide order no.919865508, Mobile costed Rs 4425/- after 25% rebate.Delivery time mentioned wasRead more...
"Late Latif" & "Indifferent" Service
Reviewed Infibeam
Infibeam.com is very erratic in service.Some product reach on time, but most of the time they are very late and also indifferent to customer emails.I ordered Read more...
Pattaya -worth a visit
Reviewed Pattaya
I got a chance to visit thailand on my first overseas visit and unlike tradition of most of indians who like to travel with family and friends, I travelled alRead more...
Elena Good, but IFB sevice poor
Reviewed IFB Elena Aqua VX 6 kg Fully Automatic Front Loading Washing Machine
I own IFB elena for 2 years more or less satisfied with its washing performance.But a few months ago it developed a snag and drum in it was not revolving.I coRead more...
JrKG Interaction of my Kid with Admission Panel
Reviewed Akshara International School - Wakad - Pune
Akshara International School is not that premium nor Low. Deserves 2 stars below average only due to Infrastructure however it lacked Human Values and compleRead more...
Commented on hatehcl's review
ya,i'm also using SONY trintron TV,Which i purchased in 1998,picture quality is almost at par with modern days LED TVs.Worked like a charm all these 14 years,still using and no major hiccup. .Kudos to SONY,for making such an exceptional product.
Commented on own review
What fun IFB is having responded to my review of IFB elena in Dec 2006 and oct. 2010.both the time I was cheated.They responded to this review in mar 2013.Strange! I have no faith in IFB now.Thanks.
Commented on Raxx111's review
I,m using this phone too.i donot feel any lag with games like templerun.But battery backup is poor ,specially,if you use 3G internet.Other wise a very good phone in 5K range.
Accidentally,this review has been posted in employer section.i've posted the same in correct,online shopping section.I donot know how to delete from employers section.so same is appearing in both section.I must clarify,i'm a buyer from yebhi,not its employee
Commented on dwhexpert80's review
But situation in government hospital is also very pathetic as well.Just a week ago.one of my friend’s mother was operated at Govt. medical college (IGMC) shimla,She was operated for a hip fracture.But suddenly at 10pm night ,she started bleeding in the leg ,in which she was opearted.My friend went t Read More...
Commented on arnabpathak's review
ya,there is gross insensitivity and callousness towards patients these days.patient suffer in both government as well as so called world class hospitals.Need of the hour is to strictly regulate the health sector by bringing a strong unbiased ,ethical and honest medical council,which should strictly Read More...
Rated on arnabpathak's review
Commented on ganeshand00's review
IFB stands for 'Indians Fool Bano'.This MNC brand is making fool of us.Machines and service both third class.Not recommeneded.
Commented on amitpkshukla's review
yes ,IFB people are really bunch of conman and cheats,I was cheated twice by their unprofessional and unethical service personals.Mechanic exaggerate the faults and insist on AMC,even if the fault is little,that require some cleanup,they will show this part is faulty and cost such and such approxima Read More...
Rated on vyallamelli's review
Rated on imranshahnawaz's review
Rated on namith21's review
Rated on pankajshirke's review
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