I ordered some 5 DVDs for Christmas but it never arrived
its 4 months since I order I m still chasing .
On giving them call there is no body to take the complain.
Whenever they are contacted their Customer Service Team thru emial its is equally carp Always its come back with a Standard reply when contacted.
*Does Any body know how to launch an official complain against all this online Fruadster .?
Is there anything can be dont to prosecute
Terrible, unethical service.
My only fault was trusting them. I thought that they would ship the correct item once they receive my DVDs I did not even think that somebody could deny that they received an item that was sent to them as soon as requested. I did not even think that somebody could deny that they received an item that was sent to them at the buyer’s expense even though it was their fault. Well.I was wrong, .and yes, stupid. Anyway, I emailed them right after I shipped the wrong CD.
After about two weeks, a letter came to my address from my credit card company saying that IndiaPlaza let them know that they did not receive my shipment, so they are lifting my charge back.
Even I contacted IndiaPlaza asking them if they received my item or not. They did not answer it directly but told me that if I take back the charge back,
Yes, I’ve learned my lesson. No business with IndiaPlaza, ever!