I just returned to India after working several years in USA and I work for a leading MNC in the chemical industry. In USA, I was a huge online shopper. After setting down, I looked around for an online shopping site and found this website https://indiaplaza.in
I checked out their website and while not in the amazon.com standard I am used to, the information and content and selection especially books was quite good. The prices were quite attractive with heavy discounts on many items.
I ordered a Canon A480 camera with them and knowing Indian standards, I was prepared to wait and pray. I was amazed to receive the camera at my office address in Mumbai the nexy day itself. I opened the package and was happy to see the canera neatly packed with warranty cards and all documents in place. I said I must share my experience with other people and came to mouthshut.com which seems to the top Indian site for reviews.
When I came here and searched, I found mixed reviews on Indiaplaza.in - most old reviews seemed to be negatice and most recent ones positive. It seems to be a company that is fast improving on service levels.
Amyway, my experience was amazing and I am impressed to see such a site in India.
And yes, the Canon A480 also rocks as expected.