I have been buying products from this website since its FabMall days. They do deliver items in bigger cities but fail miserably when it comes to smaller towns across country. They should not accept orders for addresses where they can not deliver. But they do accept and put the customer in trouble. I was harassed by this people for 15 weeks for an order which was to be delivered to a small town in Orissa.
Inspite of at least 30 emails, the order was not delivered, neither did I get any refund amount. I am completely put off by them and have left the matter now. I have put the complete story and sequence of events on my blog at this url- https://angraze.wordpress.com/2007/12/26/indiaplazain-tall-claims-bitter-realities/
I would suggest the customers to refrain from using this site for shipments in smaller towns of India.