I paid the price for not reading the review of Indiaplaza.in . I had ordered a book to be sent as a birthday gift to my brother. The book did reach there on time and on the prescribed date but another copy also reached there the same date. I was billed twice although I had ordered only one copy of it. I promptly sent the other book to the address within the said 7 days. But all this was in vain since they didnt return me back my money. And it was useless talking to the customer service.
They simply said that they didnt get the book. I had inquired the professional couriers in Bangalore branch and in their records its been specified that the book has been shipped to NDTV shopping but the Customer service denied this fact. No amount of foul language used against them helped me. Infact those STD calls costed me more. I strongly advise against doing online shopping in Indiaplaza.in or NDTV Shopping or HinduOnline. I feel there is a large scam behind all of this. Just because of these portals, online shopping is still not catching up in India. People are thinking twice before making a decision to buy online. Hope some body can teach these scamters a very good lesson.
I m forced to give 1- star for this. But its thumbs down for Indiaplaza.in / NDTVShopping.