I also placed an order on the 15th of march 2010 for the complete set of asterix comics and tintin comics which was advertised as a combo pack for Rupees 13063/- with shipping charges of Rupees 750/- payment was promptly made and the order was confirmed. Indiaplaza kept on coming up with one excuse after another for not delivering the same. on the 12th of April 2010 I got a mail from them that they would dispatch the order by the 20th April 2010 with no explanation why they kept on delaying, in fact they had sent me mails also earlier that they will dispatch it and kept on postponing the date. I tried sending a mail to customer care and the automated response was that I cannot send any mails to customer care and I will have to log a complaint in the website itself.
I promptly logged in and the procedure to log that complaint was full of problems I think the webpage was specifically coded to make it confusing and difficult to log any complaints. After a lot of attempts I managed to post something there and I got the ticket no CNT15415920051665, with the message that they would reply by 14th April 2010, today it is already the 19th April 2010 and still no reply from Indiaplaza. Forget about calling them, you will not get through the telephone numbers they list on the website and even if you get through at all the call centre people you will be speaking to will have no clue about the status of your order.
A big thumbs down for Indiaplaza.in. My opinion if you wanna buy books go to flipkart.com they are much more reliable (at least so far so good)
This issue has been resolved but it took a lot of time and effort to get it resolved. will I buy anything from indiaplaza.in again? I dont think I will.