For all the user who want to shop in this site Please keep a distance and never try this site at all . This is 100% un realiable shopping site. Trust and believe all the negative review in this site Otherwise U will be a victim like me.
I have ordered a Fastrack watch(OrderNumber=I10121200456)On 10th December which as per the shopping site. should be shipped on and before 15 th December. But from the very first day the status was remain same "beeing processed" . And as expected they failed to ship the item on mentioned date.
The worst thing is that U can not logged complained for that . ! Fortunately I am able to log a ticket for the First time but very second day the ticket was closed without giving me any reply. After 2 days of the mentioned shipping date . The status is same as before "beeing processed"! They even dont give me any option to cancel this order . A full bakwas shopping site in short. And pathetic customer support where u can not log anything .!
I dont know when I can get my money back / ordered item . I have nothing to do except Hope for the Best.! But whoever already not in their trap . Keep a mile distance from this fraud site.!