Hi India Cheaters! Yours is the biggest fraudulent company I have ever come across. First you advertise a product you dont have with you.
Then after debiting the amount from my credit card you keep quiet for a month and dont reply to any mail or tickets and you have customer support people attending the phone who are the most ignorant human beings on earth.
After a month you say you are cancelling the order and that you will refund the money in 7 days and then you keep mum for the next two months. Now when I send reminders you keep mum and when I make a call the same stupid monkeys who attend the phone dont know anything about the company they are working for.
Let me tell you something..if you were company facing bankruptcy may me you should appeal to people to donate some money where by you may got more money in a much decent way than cheating people for peanuts.
Or if you had asked me to donate 500 rupees in a decent way I would arranged to give that money as well may be given some of your jobless staff some part time job elsewhere..This is why you qualify to be the most fraudulent company in India!