The British had purposely trained the Indian Army in such a way so as to be completely oblivious of any political happenings in India. It was a brilliant move by the British. For despite all Gandhis efforts it was the Naval Mutiny of the 20, 000 Naval Ratings at Mumbai that forced the British to leave India.
Now the British Generals were themselves not so ignorant about world politics. They would never have allowed themselves to butchered like these Indian Jawans are now being. It is due to the insufficient political education being given to the Army Officers. I would rather trust a military officer than a politician to take decisions to protect India.
Army officers need more freedom. And they are cowards who for fear of losing their jobs dont demand it and every year send scores of Jawans to get butchered. Likewise when sub standard equipment is provided, the Officers should complain and perhaps even strike. Instead they want to hold on to their jobs, that they keep quite and send the poor soldiers to their deaths without any remorse whatsoever.