I just cant believe that I am writing a review on the Indian Cricket Team. The Indian Cricket Team(ICT) is the most written about and talked about team in the world! Its popularity is much more than the Australian and the South African Teams.(Of course the popularity is not because of their Cricket but mainly because of all the other controversies.)
The most ironic characteristic of the Indian team is that we(our players) never perform together, (we do it sometimes - and then we win!). In most of the matches that the team plays we have atleast one or two players performing well but then, we have to remember that Cricket is not a One man Show! If you write down the Indian team and analyse its members, you will notice that our team includes - The Best Batsmen of the World! (Sachin Tendulkar), Two of The Best Spinners in The World! (Kumble & Singh), One of the Most Experienced Bowlers In The world (Shrinath). But still we fail to deliver, its because we lack teamwork.
Another major problem of the team, I suppose is, OverCricket! The Indian Cricket team plays Cricket 10 out of 12 months in a year (more than any other team!). I think for the team to improve it has to work on the more finer aspects of Cricket, i.e. fielding and most importantly Teamwork.
Though we critisize the Indian team a lot we all know that deep down inside our heart whenever the Indian Team is playing a match, we all expect it to come out triumphant! I just hope(and pray!) that are team performs well at the third test(its in a mess right now!) and registers its first series victory, on a foreign soil after long-long time!